Medical Action Plans
As per Department Policy, each student with a medical condition must have an action plan at school.
It is essential that we know how to support your child's health, and can manage their condition in the case of an emergency.
If your son/daughter has a medical condition, please ensure that the school has a current (dated within 1 year) action plan at school.
Please ensure your doctor SIGNS AND STAMPS the plan and return it to the School Office or via email as soon as possible.
If you are unsure if you need an action plan or if your plan has expired, please ring the school on 9735 5644.
If your son/daughter no longer suffers from a medical condition, we still require a SIGNED AND STAMPED letter from the doctor confirming this, and clearly stating they do not have the condition, to remove their condition from our records.
Student Absences
Parents and Carers to assist us to fulfil our legal attendance obligations, please approve any unexplained absences your son/daughter may have still outstanding on Compass.
You can also leave a message on the School Absence Line or email the relevant Sub School Assistants if you cannot approve on Compass.
Please ensure you include your child’s name and the reason for absence eg: Parent Choice, Medical/Illness/Appointment, Holiday, Refusal etc.
Junior School - Years 7 and 8
Middle School - Years 9 and 10
Senior School - Years 11 and 12
Students EXITING Lilydale High School Early!
Before a student is allowed to leave school, they must satisfactorily complete Year 10 and until the age of 17, they must be in some form of full-time training or employment. These are government requirements.
Students under the age of 17 wishing to undertake these options MUST provide proof of placement in the course or letter of offer from the employer. They must participate in:
- An average of at least 25 hours per week of approved education, training or employment or a combination of these or
- A course of education or training considered to be full-time by the provider
Any students wishing to leave before these requirements are met, MUST put in a request for exemption to the Regional Director in consultation with Lilydale High School.
If you would like some advice on career pathways or training options, please book an appointment with Careers. Training options can include: VCAL, TAFE, Apprenticeship or Full-time employment.
Students leaving school before the end of Year 12 are also required to attend and complete a Careers appointment.
Parents/Carers, if your child is transferring to a new school or exiting to employment or TAFE, you are required to complete EXIT paperwork.
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Polkinghorne on 9735 5644.