Nicholas Adamou
2022 Key Dates
24 to 26 Aug | Year 9 Camp - Kinglake Forrest Adventures |
31 Aug | Curriculum Day Student Free Day for all students |
7 Sept | GAT Exam (VCE Units 3 & 4 students) |
7 Sept | Common PPD Day for Teachers - Student Free Day for students not attending the GAT exam |
16 Sept | Last Day Term 3 |
3 Oct | First day Term 4 |
Well into Term 3…
After what has been a very important and productive first semester here at North Geelong Secondary College, I found myself reflecting on the smooth transition after the last couple of years of Covid19 lockdowns and remote and flexible, to full time ‘face to face’ teaching and learning. Although we are still in a pandemic and working through the many challenges of Covid19 infections and isolation, it has been a joy to see students once again embracing the plethora of opportunities outside the classroom that extend their learning and importantly, provide them with such a rich and well-rounded education.
This year we have been able to return to all extracurricular activities including camps, excursions, incursions, lunchtime clubs, careers expos, assemblies, guest speakers, field work, interschool sports, HPV training, a variety of clubs and much more. Extracurricular activities expose students up to new and exciting interests. They have the capacity to develop inner talents, ignite passions and it can be a break from the rigours and routines of the school day – providing some stress relief and relaxation. These activities also enable some students, who otherwise may find the more academic areas of the curriculum quite challenging, to ‘shine’ outside the classroom. This is so important for their self-esteem and confidence. For so many of these students, active participation in these activities provides immense social opportunities, enabling them to build relationships and gain a sense of ‘belonging’. Elements such as cooperation, tolerance of others, resilience, and collaboration all contribute to their social and emotional development.
Rehearsals for this year’s school production “Puttin on the Ritz” are well underway and the enthusiasm and excitement on the part of our cast members and staff is palpable. I am looking forward to the school production on August 31 and September 1, and I would like to see as many parents and friends attending as possible.
We have now completed the first six weeks of the new term and we are well and truly into the second semester of this academic year. The reporting period including Parent/Teacher Conferences is now behind us, and we are looking forward to a very busy remainder of term.
Of course, this term marks the beginning of work force planning for the following school year with student course/subject selections taking place, as well as a host of other organisational and curriculum matters to attend to, prior to next year.
Wishing everyone a very productive rest of the semester.
2022 Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion survey (Monday 15 August to Friday 16 September)
We're conducting a survey to find out what you think about our school. “Your School, Your Say”.
This year the Parent Opinion Survey is being conducted from Monday 15 July to Friday 16 September.
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and Training (previously known as the Parent Opinion Survey). The survey is an opportunity for schools to collect data from parent/caregivers/guardians in relation to our school community. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour and student engagement. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. Approximately 30 per cent of parents have been invited to participate in this year’s survey. All responses to the survey are anonymous. The school has notified the selected parents and provided them with the information and all the support needed to complete the online survey at home or at school.
The survey is conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time (within the fieldwork period) on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones. The online survey will be available in a range of languages other than English. These include Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Chin (Hakha), Hindi, Japanese, Somali, Turkish, Punjabi and Greek.
This year, your family may have been randomly selected to participate in the Parent Opinion Survey. If you have been selected, I would ask you to take the time to complete the survey as your opinion matters and is important to our school community. It is important to us that you complete the survey as honestly as possible.
Once again, thank you very much for your support. If any parents/caregivers/guardians have any questions or queries re: Parent Opinion Survey, please don’t hesitate to contact the school and speak to Mrs Narelle Wiffen.
Scholarship Program - Year 7 intake 2023
Our Scholarship Program for the 2023 Year 7 intake is in the process of being completed and the successful recipients, their families and respective primary schools will be notified in due course.
As Principal at North Geelong Secondary College, I am very proud to report to the school community that our Scholarship Program has attracted a large number of high-quality candidates, which made it very difficult for the selection panel to make the final decision. The calibre of the students was outstanding. Congratulations to all who participated in the process.
The NGSC Scholarship Program promotes outstanding commitment of Primary School students who have displayed a strong involvement in their school community. The College looks for outstanding young people who are exceptional in different areas and possess personal qualities and values that will contribute to the life of our school.
This Program also recognises the considerable achievements of children in our community and provides them with the opportunity to experience exciting curriculum opportunities through a broad range of engaging programs delivered by our outstanding teachers.
Our Year 7 scholarships are to the value of just under $5000. These scholarships will be presented by the Principal to the scholarship recipients and celebrated at their respective Primary School assemblies, after the process is completed. Family and friends of the scholarship recipients will be invited to the presentation.
Academic Excellence
The Academic Excellence Scholarship is available to students with an exemplary academic record who have demonstrated outstanding application and achievement in one or more of English, Mathematics or Science, together with a strong performance in general studies.
Student Leadership
The Student Leadership Scholarship is available to students who have demonstrated leadership skills. The successful applicant(s) will have excellent communication skills, display initiative, and have a passion to motivate, delegate, guide and direct fellow students.
Community (Good Citizenship)
The Community (Good Citizenship) Scholarship is available to students who have made a significant demonstrable contribution to their community. The successful applicant(s) will display a strong social conscience as well as an outstanding work ethic and behaviour.
Sporting Excellence
The Sporting Excellence Scholarship is available to keen sportspersons who have shown outstanding aptitude and personal achievement in one or many sporting field(s).
The Arts
The Arts scholarship is available to students who have displayed excellence and shown commitment in one or more of the Arts areas (such as: Drama, Music, Dance or Visual Arts). Successful applicants should have a record of involvement in all aspects of primary school life in addition to artistic talent.
Scholarship Program - Year 9 intake, 2023
Our scholarship program for the 2023 Year 9 intake is in the process of being advertised to our school community. Please contact the school and speak to Ms Jacinta Eales, Transitions/Pathways Leader, or Ms Tonia Tigani, Assistant Transitions/Pathways, for more details.
Scholarships are awarded for the two years of Year 9 & 10
Living in a digital age
Technological change in education means we are facing the largest transformation in how our students and young people receive, interact with and respond to the learning experience that the teaching profession has ever seen. These changes mean that schools and early childhood settings are now broader than the walls of a classroom.
Covid-19 and the lockdowns over the last 2 years, have highlighted to all that those technologies have become essential for everyone in our society, in the world, to continue working, learning or socialising remotely. It has made it possible for students to continue teaching and learning while moving in and out of lockdowns and remote and flexible learning. It has also made it possible for millions of people in the world to work from home during the pandemic.
Teachers, students and parents are using digital technologies to teach, learn and communicate, challenging the traditional concept of a school. According to research, 60% of students entering primary school today will be working in work areas and professions that haven’t been invented or thought of yet, and this is because of the huge advances of new technologies and the way they are impacting on human life.
The world of digital learning beckons, with opportunities for teachers and students alike to benefit from the opportunities and capabilities a digital world offers.
NGSC Technologies platforms and programs such as; chrome books, iPads, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), interactive teaching and learning screens, robots, drones and the latest edition of Oculus Go Virtual Reality cameras have been supported through the implementation of AARNet (Australia’s Academic and Research Network) high speed internet provision.
The AARNet installation has enabled the school to become a digital Learning Hub with an increased internet capacity and improved access to digital learning and Cloud-based resources, not only to meet the needs of our students and teachers, but also to meet the demands of future learning, student pathways and careers.
We believe that students should be able to learn in teams, as a class, a whole community or alone. We also believe that students should be able to share learning experiences with their classmates and the wider community.
The school supports students to develop the skills needed for critical evaluation, online collaboration and communication and behaviours which support the safe, responsible and ethical use of digital technologies – essential to participating in life and work in the 21st century.
Our students are also encouraged to develop all skills necessary to become responsible global citizens and part of the global labour market. It is our belief that information communication technology is a must ingredient to everyone and in particular our students’ future success.
Vocational Educational and Training (VET)
A skilled workforce is vital to a prosperous future for Victoria’s industries and of course our local and global communities. It is skilled people who drive the performance of our industry sectors and businesses across the state and help us respond positively in a fast – changing global world.
At North Geelong Secondary College, we recognise this need and through a rigorous counselling and information delivery, we ensure that all students who have the talents and aspirations to do a vocational study can, whether it is here at the College or through our Northern VET cluster, or our Trade Training Centre, or even other providers. The improved training system will focus on individual learners and business – its two main users – to ensure Victoria has the skilled people it needs to maintain a strong and secure economy.
Currently the school offers three onsite VET subjects, and we have a number of students attending, within our cluster from all Geelong secondary schools, both public and independent. Close monitoring and feedback through our onsite VET program evaluation is conclusive and it has proven to be a great success.
Therefore, building on our strengths the College is looking to expanding that commitment. For more information, please contact Ms Makin – VET Coordinator on 52405800.