Paper Recycling

This term we have begun a new process of recycling paper, cardboard and items made of these materials.

Staff and students have received an explanation of this process and information on how to correctly recycle paper at school through assembly and homerooms.

There are now blue paper recycle bins in each classroom throughout the Mercy (Year 7's) and Tuck (current Year 9's and 10's) and large blue paper recycle bins, which will be collected by a local paper recycling facility, in the Mercy and Tuck foyers.

We hope for a large uptake of this opportunity and that students will be able to utilise the paper recycle bins correctly, so that we can implement this process on a wider scale across further areas of the school.

In 2019, under the guidance of ResourceSmart Schools coordinators, we undertook a whole school waste audit which showed that by volume, 34% of the materials found within our bins across the school were paper and/or cardboard.

By implementing our new paper recycling system we hope to divert as much of this 34% as possible from landfill and into recycling where these materials will find a new life, reduce the need to use further materials and overall help our environment in many ways. What an exciting opportunity we have here to be able to reduce the impact that we have on our environment.

Sarah Glennen