COVID 19 Update
In Term 2 2022, your child’s school will operate with a number of COVID-smart measures that have been developed with NSW Health to minimise transmission and keep schools open.
These key measures include:
• rapid antigen testing (RAT) of students and staff who have COVID-19 symptoms or are identified as close contacts
• vaccinations
• maximising ventilation
• encouraging regular hand washing and continuing enhanced cleaning of schools
• assessing risk and applying appropriate safeguards across activities and events
• learning from home where face-to-face learning is not possible.
In certain circumstances NSW Health and the Department of Education may advise that certain COVID-smart measures be temporarily reintroduced at your school. Your principal will work with Health and the department and provide further details of any changes to COVID-smart
measures at your school when required. These temporary measures may include:
• ceasing large indoor gatherings
• ceasing off-site and inter-school activities
• mask wearing for adults and high school students
• limiting visitors to schools
• separating cohorts of students
• symptomatic use of RATs
• learning from home or remotely.
Close contacts attending school
Published 23 April 2022
The announcement External link to ease the isolation requirements for close contacts was made on 20 April 2022. This will enable students and staff who are close contacts and have no symptoms to continue to attend school if they follow guidelines agreed with NSW Health. Close contacts will not be permitted to enter an SSP or support unit (including Assisted School Travel Program) and will be supported to continue learning or working from home where possible.
Note that staff and students who have had confirmed COVID-19 in the last 12 weeks do not have to comply with the following guidelines if they become a household or close contact and are not required to self-isolate or test unless they develop new COVID-19 symptoms.
Close contacts attending school will need to adhere to the following in addition to the NSW Health guidelines External link:
• They must notify the school and/or early childhood education (ECE) service provider (including their outside of school hours care provider) if they are intending to return under this provision.
• They should conduct a daily RAT and return a negative result each morning before attending school for 5 school days.
• They (if in a secondary school setting) must wear a mask indoors except when eating or exercising. Primary school students are recommended to wear a mask indoors (except when eating or exercising).
• No student or staff member identified as a close contact will be permitted to participate in overnight excursions, including school camps.