Religious Education News

From the writings of Mary MacKillop
Pray to every ready for God's will
even when it takes you by surprise.
Mary MacKillop 1880
Weekly Parish Bulletin
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time, YEAR C
Father’s Day Breakfast and Liturgy
We will celebrate Fathers Day with breakfast and liturgy on Friday the 2nd of September.
A bacon and egg breakfast will be served under the COLA from 8.30 am and liturgy will be held in the hall at 9 am.
As is our tradition, we will put together a PowerPoint presentation as part of our liturgy. Could I please get a photo of all dads, grandfathers, stepdads or significant males with their children by Monday the 29th of August? You can either email a photo to or text to my mobile at 0418 674 563.
A warm welcome is extended to all significant men to our children …. make sure you can get the morning off work so we can cook you brekkie and say ‘Thanks’ for being a great dad!
Prayer For Father’s Day
God, our Father,
Bless these men,
that they may find strength as fathers.
Let the example of their faith and love shine forth.
Grant that we, their sons and daughters,
may honour them always with a spirit of profound respect.
Author Unknown
Happy Father's Day to our dads and grandads.
Catholic Principles and Values
We are fortunate to have in our Diocese a Catholic Principles and Values document. These set out our beliefs and are foundational to a Catholic way of life.
The Catholic Church has had a long history of social teaching covering all spheres of life - the economic, political, personal and spiritual.
One of the areas we have looked at is the principle of the Common Good and the value of the Preferential Option for the Poor. Supporting Project Compassion during Lent and the Vinnie's Winter Appeal were ways our students reached out to the poor. Our moral test is gauged by how we care for the most vulnerable brothers and sisters … our Catholic Tradition teaches us to put the needs of the poor first!
We will be taking part in Catholic Mission's SOCKTOBER campaign in Term 4. I will meet with the Mini Vinnies before the end of the term to view the support material and plan our fundraising event.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Joe Dimech
Religious Education Co-ordinator