Child Safety...

Body Education with Kelly Nash


Dear Parents/Carers,

St Joseph’s has engaged Kelly to conduct a Body Education Program this term. The School values that a comprehensive Body education program that provides consistent, age-appropriate and accurate information that is inclusive and respectful, is a vital part of a student’s overall education. Kelly will be presenting to students from Year 1 to Year 6 later this term. Please see below for a general outline of the content covered for each cohort. 


Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 do a single session this year and it is a gentle introduction to the subject.  In the session, we’ll discuss how Families have similarities and differences and so do bodies. We’ll talk about the notion of private parts and what that means and we’ll look at appropriate behaviour regarding private parts, then students will identify people they can speak to if ever they felt uncomfortable or unsafe.

Year 4 students will complete 2 sessions: 

  • Same and Different – similar to the session for the younger students but pitched at a slightly more sophisticated level.
  •  Feeling Safe - we’ll go into more detail regarding feeling safe in the second session and identify Early Warning Signs as well as trusted grown-ups to speak to.

Year 5 and 6 students will do 2 sessions together:

  • Puberty 1 - The Common Physical changes of Puberty – this session explores the changes that all people experience to a lesser or greater extent during puberty.
  • Puberty 2 - The Social/Emotional and hormone specific changes of Puberty 

FOR MORE INFORMATION regarding the program, Kelly will be running an online Parent/Carer information session on the evening of Tuesday 25th October at 6.30pm via zoom.

This is an opportunity to get more detailed information regarding the content and the rationale behind sexuality education in the school setting.

Her aim is to support (not substitute) families in this important area of education. Your role in this time is important, as she will be asking junior students to tell you about what they did in their Body Ed sessions and the older students will interview you regarding your experience of teen years, this allows you to be actively involved and if you choose, use the springboard of the program to prompt discussion at home.

Kelly makes it a priority to use respectful and inclusive language with the students and the sessions are fun and informal, they involve games and activities as well as discussion and your child is welcome to involve themselves as much or as little as they feel comfortable to do so. 


About Kelly Nash:

After many years working in schools as a teacher and in health promotion, including 3 years with the Royal Women’s Hospital health promotion unit and 7 years with Family Life Victoria, Kelly started her own body/sexuality education business.  Kelly’s aim is to create a relaxed and inclusive environment where her unique and fun facilitation style allows informal, respectful learning for young people so that they may be empowered with knowledge and understanding about their bodies, her greatest hope is that she is able to support the children’s families in this important part of their education.