Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

This week, we finalised the process for appointing our student leaders for 2023.  Many factors were taken into consideration, and these included our aspiring leaders’ written applications, their performance at the Leadership Workshop held a couple of weeks ago and the level of support the candidates have from their peers and from staff.  I have loved this process; the two highlights for me have been getting to know the students better and listening to their ideas.  Each candidate shone in at least one area and I have been heartened by the passion they all showed to lead the school well. As much as I would have loved to appoint every one of the candidates, some difficult decisions had to be made.


I am excited to announce the 2023 Student Leadership Group.

School CaptainPierce Newman
School CaptainStella Boyce
Baudin House CaptainAlbert Gouldthorp
Baudin House CaptainJessica Turner
Camfield House CaptainMatthew Walmsley
Camfield House CaptainIvy Moir
Mokare House CaptainLevi Masih
Mokare House CaptainMadeleine Byrne
Wilson House CaptainZac Beeck
Wilson House CaptainAnnie Wilson
Boarding CaptainDarcy Barrett
Boarding CaptainAva Smith
Arts CaptainJake Knight
Arts CaptainBethany Robertson
Sport CaptainLucas Ravenhill
Sport CaptainFelicity Poole

As we come to the end of our third term for 2022, I wish all families an enjoyable and restful break.


Mrs Victoria Turnor | Head of Senior School

Sydney Male Choir

On Friday 16 September, Zoe Diletti and I were gifted the most amazing opportunity to attend the showing of the Sydney Male Choir at our very own Town Hall. They travelled from over east so that we may listen to their music, a commemoration to the many brave ANZAC soldiers that left Albany’s shores and never returned home. We got to experience the talents of the choir members as they wholeheartedly sang Waltzing Matilda and a beautiful rendition of the Lord’s Prayer. I represented our school at the Town Hall by introducing one of the choir’s songs that reflected the anxieties of parents and family members during World War I. 

It was a chilling experience listening to the choir and we are grateful for the remarkable moment.


Bethany Robertson 

CBH Excursion

Earlier this term, the Year Eleven Geography students attended CBH Albany, along with teachers Ms Youngs-Lachmund and Mr Riches. The excursion was to solidify their understanding of grain production and as a field study for the unit. 

The students had a wonderful time and reflected on their experiences. 


This term, we have been studying the commodity of wheat and the spatial distribution throughout the world. Our geography class was fortunate enough to visit CBH on our excursion. We all really enjoyed this experience. 

-Blake and Lachie


At CBH, we learnt about the strict regulations surrounding the safe and clean export of wheat and the many different processes required. We enjoyed a beautiful view from the top of CBH at the conclusion of the tour. It was a fun and educational experience that gave us a greater understanding of the distribution of Great Southern wheat into the global marketplace. 

-Zac, Jayden, and Alessandro


Our guides were very helpful and answered all of our questions we had, and they helped us to understand the logistics behind exporting wheat. As part of our safety equipment, we wore hard hats, safety glasses and Fluro vests. Throughout the tour we travelled 13 levels via an elevator and in the middle of the building we stopped at the sampling offices and learnt about the ways and the different machines that the wheat is tested and sampled.

- Gabby, Felicity, and Grace


Earlier this term, our class had the opportunity to tour the Albany CBH facility. We started the day by looking at the different types of grain and legumes that CBH manage and export. Overall, we had a great day and it solidified our in class learning of wheat. 

- Lucy, Estella, Kobie, and Kristel 


Ms Angelina Ross | Head of Humanities and Social Sciences

Free Yoga and Meditation to Reduce Exam Stress

These sessions are free and are aimed to provide students with ways to alleviate stress, whilst also building their strength and flexibility. They will be facilitated by Qualified Yoga and Fitness Instructor, Rita Quayle. Students can register for as many sessions as they like, with each one focusing on a new affirmation. Bring a towel and water bottle. Mats are provided.


Please register here:

Registrations open to ages 15 to 25 years old only.

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