From the Deputy Principal

Volunteer Appreciation 

This afternoon we will enjoy a celebration with our volunteers to thank them for their generous service this year. I have always been very grateful to our volunteers as they are the reason we are able to offer such rich and varied experiences to our students.  These experiences are the stuff memories are made of.  Our volunteers support our students with their talents in everything from midwifery (truly!) to mountain biking, hockey to hairstyling (remember the World's Greatest Shave?), and volleyball to the vagaries of team management.  A sincere thank you to the many, many members of our community who volunteer their time to give our children the time of their lives.   

Celebrating together

Late last week the Years 7/8/9 girls' hockey team I coached this season played in the grand final.  On one level I felt surprised and delighted we had made it that far and on the other hand, I have known since the start of the season about what a fantastic group of players I was coaching.   In the end, we came second (that's a euphemism for 'we lost the grand final' in case no one noticed!) and I could not have been more proud of the team. We had some players who have played little or no hockey in the past and some players who are very experienced.  We had some players who are naturally very competitive and some who are content to get out and have a run.  At our early morning trainings we had some grumpy morning people and some early risers who bounced into skills and drills.  In many ways the team was defined by its differences, and this is, I believe, the secret to our success.  The players respected one another's differences, encouraged and supported each other, covered for each other when almost half the team was out with COVID, adapted to new fixtures halfway through the season and celebrated together.  This combination of students working together across year levels to make a truly cohesive team is what I love most about working in a co-educational Pre-Kindergarten to Year Twelve school.  Our strength is in coming together and I am looking forward to Term Four as we celebrate all we have achieved together this year.   


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal