From the Principal

Organisational Change

This morning, students viewed a Principal’s Announcement video which outlined changes to the organisational structure of the School for 2023.  Please view the video here.


With all changes, many questions usually arise.  I am looking forward to working with staff and students on continuing to implement our changes for 2023.  Further information will be communicated throughout Term Four.  

Teen Mental Health First Aid Courses

We are fortunate at this school that our students are able to be part of Mental Health First Aid and training.  Ms Sheryl Moncur has been presenting to parents as well.  For parents to be part of this training, led by Sheryl, can only contribute to the ongoing health benefits to our students.  Last week Sheryl delivered her 42nd Teen Mental Health First Aid course, this is quite an achievement. Parents of the School, Mrs Carolyn Cunningham and Mrs Nanette Keen, who attended the course made the following comments.


“I recently participated in the YMHFA course at GSG, facilitated by our wonderful School Counsellor, Sheryl Moncur. Sheryl offers three relaxed and inclusive sessions that provide insight into possible mental health issues faced by many of today’s teens. I would encourage, if not urge every GSG parent to take the opportunity to complete this course. The benefits of the valuable knowledge and skills attained, if ever needed to support our own teens, their friends, or those we meet regularly through sport and community activities, cannot be underestimated. Thank you Sheryl, for offering this course, I truly appreciated your insight and guidance.”  Carolyn


"Thank you to GSG & Sheryl for giving our community the opportunity to complete the YMH First Aid course. I thoroughly enjoyed the content and feel more confident within myself to provide support to someone who may have or be developing a mental health issue. This includes supporting myself.  Sheryl’s knowledge and life experiences really helped . She made us all feel very comfortable in discussing the content. Most could relate to aspects within the course and felt comfortable discussing them as a group. I highly recommend this course to anyone." Nanette 


Student Leadership

Today we announced the Prefect leadership group for 2023.  It is ironic that the week these students are announced coincides with the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, a true world leader.  Her service, compassion and commitment provide a role model for our new leaders.  Student leadership provides students with the opportunity to gain experience in serving their school community.  Congratulations to our new student leaders.  I look forward to working with you throughout the coming year.


Mr Mark Sawle | Principal