Girton Students Excel at Business

VCE Business Management students awarded First and Second place in the 2022 Victorian finals of the Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition
As part of their studies in VCE Business Management, our Year 10 students undertake an extension program giving them real-life experience in creating, planning and organising a future business opportunity. As future entrepreneurs, they prepare a Business Plan which is entered into The VCTA and Business Educators Australasia Network 2022 Plan Your Own Enterprise Competition.
This competition is open to all students studying Business Management in their senior years in Australia.
For exceptional entrepreneurial creativity, hard work and dedication to their studies two of our students were awarded First and Second place in the Victorian State finals of the competition at a presentation earlier this month.
Congratulations go to:
First Place: Mackenzie Bickley (10 Aherne) for her business – Country Meals on Wheels
Second Place: Charlotte Bett (10 Aherne) for her business – Sun Baby Boutique
Mackenzie will now progress as the Victorian representative to the National Finals in Canberra.
Business Expo
In addition to preparing and entering their business plans to the competition at the end of last Term, the Business Management students showcased their entrepreneurial skills and hard work to the School community during their Business Expo. The range of business ideas was impressive and the strength of the student’s planning and understanding of the requirements necessary to establish and manage a small business was evident for all to see. In particular, the student’s demonstrated:
• organisation and planning
• innovation
• decision making
• research and communication
• prioritising and collaborating
• enterprise thinking
• reflection and action
Well done to all students of Business Management and our two Finalists Mackenzie and Charlotte. Best wishes to Mackenzie in the National Finals, which will be held later in the year.