Friends of Performing Arts

Dear Parents of Girton Grammar’s Performing Artists,
FoPA is a group of volunteer parents who work to support the Performing Arts faculty and raise funds for equipment that will assist the program.
We write to you as a parent of a student who has participated in a recent Girton Performing Arts production or music recital to extend an invitation to join FoPA. This is a small time commitment, attending a few quick meetings a year with parents of like-minded students and helping out at performances that we would be attending anyway by selling programs and raffle tickets. Or helping to organise a fundraiser if you are up to it.
To break down a common misconception – No, we don’t paint sets or sew costumes.
Our AGM will now be held on 7th November, our last meeting for the year, if there are to be enough in attendance. Please complete this quick online form to express interest in attending and to nominate for any FoPA positions: Click HERE.
If any questions, please email FoPA secretary, We need to find members willing to take on the positions of President, Treasurer and Secretary and committee members willing to attend quick monthly meetings to continue our work and join the fun!
Yours sincerely,
Kylie McDonald
FoPA Secretary