Basketball News

Girton Basketball Club wishes to congratulate the six teams who made it into their respective Grand Finals for the Winter Season at the end of last term.


Congratulations to Girton Opals, Girton Topaz and Girton Kings who won the grand final.


Congratulations also to the following players who were awarded MVP at the Grand Final:


Topaz - Evie Hauler

Strikers – Yaduraj Chopra


Girton Opals: Back row: L-R Michelle Slow, Virginia Stobie, Gabrielle Dean, Natasha Dean. Front row: L-R Georgina Stobie, Eliza Hauler Absent: Rebecca Ashman Coach: David Ashman
Girton Opals: Back row: L-R Michelle Slow, Virginia Stobie, Gabrielle Dean, Natasha Dean. Front row: L-R Georgina Stobie, Eliza Hauler Absent: Rebecca Ashman Coach: David Ashman
Girton Topaz
Girton Topaz
Girton Kings
Girton Kings