VCE Media Expo

The VCE Media Expo held last Friday at lunchtime was an opportunity to display the print, photographic and film work created by the Unit 3 and 4 Media Studies students of this year. This work represents the major SAT (School Assessed Task) the students have completed for the course.
Despite the staff versus student netball match being played at the same time, the Expo drew a good audience of interested students who enjoyed appreciating the variety of narrative and surrealist photography, printed magazines such as lifestyle and fashion, a magazine for car enthusiasts, photographic and text-based products such as an illustrated children's book, a photographic retrospective of personal devices used over time and an exploration of the ideologies of emancipating girls through education as set out in Roald Dahl's Matilda. The extensive folios which students create to support and document their work, in some cases, are as intricately designed as a media product, as well as providing a wealth of development, design and process information. These were all on display in the Black Box foyer.
The short films made by some of the students were played in the Black Box where students could move freely in and out. It was an exciting (and in some cases, stressful) moment for the student filmmakers to see their final product on the big screen and witness the responses elicited by their work from an interested and engaged audience. In most cases, the intended audience for the films was exactly the age group that attended the Expo, so this opportunity to screen was perfect! The genres screened varied from documentary, drama and comedy to thriller and music video, and demonstrated a wide field of filmmaking style and genre.
Congratulations to all of the Unit 3 and 4 Media Studies students of 2022. Thanks to those students who assisted with the set-up of the display and to Jess Ford and her Technical Crew for their assistance also.
Mrs Jacinta Jackson
Teacher of Media