From the Office
We hope everyone had a fantastic time at the Book Week Celebrations recently, there were some fantastic costumes. The new Shortlisted books are available for borrowing now! We continue to buy new books and have some fantastic new books coming that I have purchased with our rewards points from Book Club - including the Skydragon series, Bad Guys, Hot Dog and Ninja Kid. I hope you enjoy reading them very much!
Library Overdues
At the moment we have lots of overdue library books - about 150 over all the classes. I have sent out overdue notices a few weeks ago but there are still lots to come back to the Library. Could everyone please check at home or in their class for books that they have borrowed a while ago and please return them to the trolley in the Library as they need to be scanned before putting back on the shelves. I would appreciate this very much. Thanks, Vikki.