
Ms Jacquelyne Armstrong
Middle School Play
A huge congratulations to the amazing cast of Alice in Wonderland. The Dunhelen students worked tirelessly for twelve weeks on the show and really brought the world of Wonderland to life. We are so proud of their hard work and dedication.
This year the students had to develop characters out of the ordinary and really push themselves out of their comfort zones. This is a really hard task, and it was amazing to watch all the young actors take on the task and shine. From the large leads roles of Alice and Chessy to the bright and fun animals of wonderland – every young person embraced the opportunity to be on stage and learn from each other.
The Middle School Play (and all Drama opportunities) continues to be a space where students build their self-confidence, create long lasting friendships, and discover a part of themselves they didn’t know exist. I highly recommend getting involved next year!