Assistant Principal (Learning)

Resource lists for 2023 students
Year 11 & 12
Resource lists for students entering Year 11 & 12 next year have been distributed via email to parents, guardians and students. For students in these year levels, orders must be completed online at by Sunday 30 October 2022. Orders must be prepaid by credit card to Campion. This will ensure that students have their textbooks and digital items in time for Early Commencement classes, which begin on Monday 21 November. For parents new to Year 11, ‘Early Commencement’ is the beginning of the Year 11/12 VCE program, and runs for two weeks at the end of Term 4 each year. This gives students an introduction to their 2023 subjects and sets them up with homework to be completed over the summer, in preparation for Term 1 assessment tasks.
Textbooks ordered from Campion by the due date will be delivered to students’ homes.
The boxes are expected to contain all of the available texts for the Early Commencement classes. Please note that there may be some texts that have not yet been published; these will be distributed to students by subject teachers as soon as they arrive, usually very early in Term 1.
Information about how to access Edrolo resources will be given in classes during Early Commencement. Please note that the Edrolo resources are compulsory for all subjects where listed on the booklist. Students whose Edrolo access is not paid for via the booklist will have the cost added to their 2023 term fees with an additional processing fee of $5 per subject.
Any student who is unsure about their 2023 subjects should speak with their Assistant Head of School as soon as possible.
Prep to Yr 10
Resource lists for students in all other year levels in 2023 will be distributed via email later this term. The due date for resource lists for Prep to Year 10 students in 2023 is not until 16 December.
Students currently in Years 7 to 9 will be given confirmation of their 2023 elective subjects in time for resource list ordering. Any queries about student elective subjects should be directed to your child's current Assistant Head of School.
Ms Kerri Batch
Assistant Principal (Learning)