Deputy Principal

Mr Kim Forward
Presentation Night
Presentation Night will be held on Wednesday 7 December. A live event attended by staff, with student award winners and their invited parents, will be held in the CPA and live-streamed to the College community. This is an occasion to celebrate the achievements of our students and enjoy some student performances. More details will be sent as the date approaches.
Open Evening
The College will host an Open Evening and Twilight Music Concert on Tuesday 25 October from 4.00pm to 7.00pm. Prospective College families can take a school tour and speak with staff. The annual Art & Design Exhibition will also be open. Please tell your friends who might be interested in attending; a link to register is on the Aitken website.
Fun Run
The Aitken Fun Run, hosted by the Parents and Friends Association, returns in 2022 and will be on Sunday 13 November. Details have been emailed to all Prep to Year 9 families. Get the whole family involved in this healthy and enjoyable family event.
Unwanted Aitken ties requested
The College has given permission for a local pony club to wear the Aitken tie. If you have ties that are no longer needed and are happy to donate them, they would be gratefully accepted. They can be dropped off at Reception.
Be Sun Smart in Term 4
Everyone in the Aitken Community is encouraged to be Sun Smart as the sunnier and warmer weather approaches. Primary students must wear their hat when outside. Remember to Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide!
Allergies and Hayfever – a request from the First Aid attendants
This year we have been warned that there will be a high number of people affected by hayfever and asthma as well as thunderstorm asthma. With this in mind it would help if students brought in medication if they suffer with any of these medical issues. Over the last year we have seen that it can be difficult to get the right medication because of low supplies. Please try to bring in any medication as soon as possible.
Student Mobile Phones
Parents, please remember that students are not permitted to be using their mobile phones during the school day and may have their phone confiscated if it is seen. Consequently it is not appropriate for parents to be phoning or messaging their children during the day. If your child contacts you to say they are ill, please direct them to present to the First Aid room for assessment – you may then be contacted to collect them.