
Year 11 Students
Careers and other Brookhill staff are looking forward to an excursion to RMIT (City campus) with the Year 11 students on Tuesday 22nd November. This is an all day excursion where students will travel unaccompanied (usually by train) to RMIT and will be met on site by Aitken staff. Students will explore a dual sector tertiary campus, learn about transition to tertiary education, attend presentations, hopefully kickstart the career research process in preparation for Year 12 and practise the things they might do, and the questions they might ask, if they were at an Open Day. Permission slips will be emailed home next week and their prompt return would be very much appreciated.
Year 12 Students
As a matter of routine, never ignore your VTAC emails. Always check them in case there is something you need to attend to in order to facilitate selection or enrolment. If relevant, please ensure you complete any additional selection tasks (such as an audition, folio presentation, interview, CASPer, etc) which may be required for a course(s) on your preference list, by the due date. These dates are not negotiable. Check information on your Careers interview notes page, emails sent to you by VTAC and the course website for more information about requirements and deadlines. Most students have now paid their VTAC processing fee. If you have not already done so, don’t forget to pay by the start of December (but the sooner the better and then it can be crossed off your list of things to do). Students planning to enrol in university or TAFE courses for 2023 must have a Tax File Number (TFN) by the time of enrolment. If students have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Careers staff.
Career News 16
Career News Issue 16 is now available and includes information about:
- ‘UniMelb on-demand’
- How to experience success at university or TAFE
- The Low Income Healthcare Card
- VU undergraduate webinars on demand
- Studying the Bachelor Science (Palaeontology) at Flinders University
- VU Guaranteed – what now?
- A Pathways to ACU webinar
- Career Guidance for recent school leavers
- Obtaining a Tax File Number
- A Snapshot of Kangan Institute
Careers Newsletter on My Aitken
Career News is written and published fortnightly and is available via My Aitken / Resources / School Life / Aitken News / Careers Newsletter / Careers Newsletters – 2022 Editions:
Contact Details
Please contact us via email:
Mrs Clare Borg & Ms Rae Gibbs
Careers Counsellors