Chaplain's Corner

A heart felt thank you to the Aitken College community (students, family and staff) who have made me feel very welcome these past few weeks. I was inducted by the Port Philip West Presbytery (regional body) of the Uniting Church in Australia on the evening of 12 September.
This term in Chapel we are focusing for 4 weeks on the Uniting Church, to remind everyone about Aitken’s relationship with this founding body, of which I am an ordained minister.
The themes are:
- An Australian Church
- Partnering in Mission
- Growing Faith Communities
- Community Services
The remainder of the term will be the 4 weeks of advent, concluding with a Christmas Chapel on 5 December.
As College Chaplain I am available to meet with students, staff and families for pastoral and spiritual care. Family visits off site can also be arranged if requested, when facing significant challenges, i.e., a hospital visit. All requests from families should be directed through reception.
What is Pastoral Care?
Pastoral Care offers a safe and confidential listening environment in which people can share their circumstances and life journey in a way that is comfortable for them. Through Pastoral Care, they can explore the possibilities for personal and spiritual growth through an attentive and compassionate presence.
Our Chaplain can offer:
- A listening ear
- Loss and grief support
- Bereavement support
- Appropriate prayer, worship and rituals
- Referrals and connections with a person’s preferred faith community
Situations when a Chaplain might be helpful:
- Times of change and challenge
- Bereavement, loss and grief
- Significant illness or hospitalisation
- Loneliness
- Feeling sad
- Times of joy and celebration
- Wanting to explore questions of meaning
- Acting as a sounding board
- Needing comfort or encouragement
- Looking to grow in sensitivity to themselves, others, the environment or God.
Pastoral Care at Aitken College
Everyone is welcome to access the Chaplain. Staff may refer students to a Chaplain where pastoral or spiritual discussions would be helpful. Anyone can directly contact or request a Chaplain. Pastoral Care is offered to staff alongside the Employee Assistance Program.
Pastoral Care doesn’t assume anything about what someone believes but assists a person to strengthen resilience in their present situation. Pastoral Care nurtures our spiritual wellbeing.
Worship services, reflection or ritual may be offered in addition to weekly Chapel to commemorate significant events within the Aitken College community and people’s lives.
Gavin Blakemore