Visual Arts

This year, we are lucky to have an onsite, physical exhibition running alongside the online exhibition. The VCE1 Common room in the Senior School will be transformed into a gallery for the week. Year 12 final artworks and products from VCD & Design, Food Studies and Studio Art will be featured, along with a small collection of works from all year levels across the school. It is a smaller exhibition than in past years, as all student work could not be displayed on site. However, in representing all students, the online exhibition is inclusive, showcasing creativity at various stages of development.
The online exhibitions open on Tuesday 25 October at 9am. Links and QR codes are below for easy access. These will also be posted in the bulletin and shared via socials and a community email. Please watch out for these in your inbox and get involved, supporting all students by voting! You can share links with your family and friends anywhere in the world.
Vote for your favourite images (not person) with the exhibition aiming to encourage our amazing, creative, unique young artists. We encourage you to look at the work from all year levels, not just your own. All students are included from Prep to Year 7 in Art and all Art/Design electives from Year 8 upwards. It is quite extensive. The onsite exhibition is open until 4.30 pm daily, and until 7pm on Tuesday 25 October to coincide with our Open Evening. You can visit before or after school, recess, lunch or for students, as a class with your teacher. Visitors are requested to please sign in at reception.
Our 2022 Artist in Residence Program started this week, with design workshops to be followed by the production of an incredibly large mural on the Technology Building. Keep an eye out as you drive by from 21 November, and in our socials for updates. The artist’s name is Glen Downey. He will be working with selected classes and small groups of Year 5 to 11 students to paint the mural.
2022 Online Art & Design Access Links
Live from 25 October, 9am
Linda Camilleri
Head of Faculty – Visual Arts