Year 4 History

Grandparents visit the school 

From Esther, Year 4 Teacher

Year 4 Historical Visitors

Written by Andrew, Gwilym, Mohamed,  and Izaan from 4B 

On  Wednesday 31st August, as part of our Other Learning Area topic, History, Year 4 students invited our grandparents in to learn about their past. All of Year 4 wrote lots of notes as we were listening to them be interviewed. It was fun seeing our grandparents and asking some cool questions. We all learned lots of new and interesting things about the past. 


Some of the questions we asked our special guests were:
What was school like for you? 
What was public transport like?
Did you have a supermarket?
What were your jobs?
How old were you when Technology was invented?
What music did you like?
How do you change the radio channel?
How much did cassettes and records cost?
What rewards would you get at school?
How did you research when you didn’t have any internet?


The aim of the afternoon was to interview other generations about the past, take notes and then put the information learned into a poster. 


A big thank you to all of our special guests who took the time to visit and share with the Year 4 students.