School Notices

Brilliant Brains
On Monday, the school held the Father's Day Brilliant Brains Parent Workshop. The theme was Transport, and the children had an exciting time driving around the quadrangle. The children each had a shopping list and collected items from Mukinbudin stalls around the high school quad. Children had to identify their name, numbers, shapes and complete fundamental movement activities in order to collect the items. It was fabulous to see so many Dads' attend and a big thank you to all helpers; John & Jackie Hobbs, Derron Hobbs, Ryan Lamond, Allison Nixon and student leaders Jett, Krystal, Corey and Colby.
PBS Sheep Tags
If your child has any coloured CARE sheep tags at home, in their schoolbag, the car etc, can you please send them in to the school so we can add them to our rain gauges. The quicker the students fill a gauge the closer they get to another whole school reward!
Dress up your Bike
We have been successful in receiving a Bike Week grant, and we invite all kids to dress up their bikes and come and have pancakes for breakfast. Amazing prizes to be won.
Free RAT'S
We have had a large supply of RATS provided to us and would like parents to please come and collect some from the front office when you get a chance.