Calming the Storm

Our Year 5 and 6 students are moving into a very special time of their Primary School years. 


Our wonderful Year 6s are making preparations to Graduate and move onto secondary school. They will be off to many different places and a whole new world of challenges and opportunities will open up. We hope and pray that our Year 6s reach out and grasp every opportunity and rise to every challenge.


Our Year 5s are beginning our school leadership program. Throughout their years with us they have had many opportunities to show leadership and encourage and support others. Even in Prep, children show leadership in the way they learn and play with their classmates. Our Year 5 Leadership program will focus on the need to be a leader and not a boss, to be a positive role model and to be able to put the needs of others ahead of your own. We hope and pray that our Year 5s step up to grasp every opportunity to lead our school over the coming year.


The key text the Year 5s will use to explore being a leader is the story of Jesus calming the storm. On the Sea of Galilee, when the disciples became fearful, Jesus showed that he was Lord over the waters and storm and even the waves and the wind obeyed Him. (Matthew 4:35-41). Jesus challenged the disciples to have faith and to not be afraid. 


As we all look out our windows and see the rain falling, and hear of the terrible floods on the news, we too need to have faith and be still. Our prayers for both the victims and the many workers and volunteers supporting them are heart felt.



and bring help to them soon. 

God, bless each and every person affected by this storm 

and surround them with Your love, protection, and angels.

Let them know there are millions of us 

out here praying for them and their loved ones.

We give You all the praise and glory forever, Lord, 

and know that even in the darkest hours, 

You are always with us.


Ref: Jesuit Resource