Headstart Program

Tarneit Senior College welcomes our Headstart Coordinator Stephen Soulsby, who will work with Careers Practitioners Pushpa Navaratnam and Toula Papadimitropoulos to assist students to obtain a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship whilst at school, that ideally becomes full time upon leaving school.
The Headstart is a program that supports students to participate in a school-based apprenticeship and traineeship (SBAT) program to develop skills, capabilities and confidence that employers need.
SBAT students receive paid on-the-job training that contributes to their VCE Vocational Major or VPC and leads to a nationally recognised qualification.
Interested students should approach Pushpa Navaratnam or Toula Papadimitropoulos to arrange an appointment with Stephen.
- Careers and Pathways Team