Classroom Stars and Achievers
Stars of the Week
Rory Mc
For showing courage to work independently during maths (Rick D3)
Lewis B
For being a great friend to his peers (Holly D4)
Willow M
For a great job at placing two-digit numbers on a place value mat! (Hannah D5)
Jesse C
For showing resilience when faced with a problem (Jessica M1)
Remi G
For her efforts to perfect her letter formation during handwriting practice (Rebecca M2)
Ava C
For always showing her classmates and teachers respect. Well done, Ava! (Miss Woodfield & Ms K M4)
Hudson M
For trying really hard with writing your letters! Keep it up, Hudson! (Amelia M5)
Outstanding Achievers
Braxton P
For showing kindness towards others (Mrs Brown B1)
Maddie B
For taking initiative to catch up on class work because she was away. Amazing effort! (Brooke B3)
Edison D
For having a successful start to Term 2 (Mr Loader B4)
Will S
For being a friendly and welcoming member of B5! (Lauren B5)
Ellie B
For always demonstrating our school values! (Kyra & Emily P S1)
Claire M
For challenging yourself in Maths! (Kyra & Emily P S1)
Jazmine R
For being super responsible and an excellent role model to others (Mrs Riddoch S2)
Indy R
For always being respectful to everyone in S3 (Mr C S3)
Maddy F
For consistently setting her work out neatly and organised (Troy S4)
Stella S D3
For confidently using our Beebots (Mr Mitchell STEM)
Elias W M1
For approaching STEM tasks with enthusiasm (Mr Mitchell STEM)
Oliver R B5
For building an awesome Lego racing car (Mr Mitchell STEM)
Imogen O-G S3
For confidently constructing and programming a Lego creation (Mr Mitchell STEM)
Piper Mc S3
For confidently constructing and programming a Lego creation (Mr Mitchell STEM)
Finn J B3
For being a kind classmate in P.E. (Katherine PE)
Jax W B3
For excellent behaviour and effort in P.E. class (Katherine PE)
Riley H B4
For excellent participation in P.E. class (Katherine PE)
Liana D M S4
For being a wonderful leader during lunchtime activities (Mrs Bleicher VA)
Phoebe P S4
For helping out in the art room (Mrs Bleicher VA)
Isla G S4
For helping out in the art room (Mrs Bleicher VA)
Tanah P S3
For helping out in the art room (Mrs Bleicher VA)
Felix Mc S1
For being a wonderful leader during lunch time activities (Mrs Bleicher VA)
Maddy F S4
For helping out in the art room (Mrs Bleicher VA)
Chloe Q S2
For helping out in the art room (Mrs Bleicher VA)