
Leah Rintoule

Student Wellbeing Coordinator

Tips for Parents/Carers in the Lead Up to Exams:

  1. Create a supportive and calm environment: Ensure that your home provides a conducive atmosphere for studying. Minimize distractions, establish a quiet study space, and encourage a routine that includes regular breaks.
  2. Encourage a balanced lifestyle: Remind your child of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the exam period. Encourage them to eat nutritious meals, get sufficient sleep, and engage in physical activities or relaxation techniques to manage stress.
  3. Foster effective time management: Help your child develop a study schedule that allows for adequate time to cover all subjects. Encourage them to prioritize tasks, break them into smaller manageable chunks, and set realistic goals to stay motivated.
  4. Provide emotional support: Understand that exam periods can be stressful, and your child may experience anxiety or self-doubt. Be there to listen, offer encouragement, and provide reassurance. Celebrate their efforts and acknowledge their hard work.
  5. Promote self-care and well-being: Encourage your child to engage in activities that promote relaxation and self-care, such as hobbies, spending time with friends, or pursuing interests outside of academics. Remind them to take breaks and practice self-compassion.