French Programs

Sophie Oldfield

French Club

Thanks to Madame Marie’s enthusiasm, students can participate in our weekly French Club. The club runs at lunchtime on Tuesdays in the library. During that time, students enjoy learning and singing French songs, playing French games, completing puzzles, and simply having fun in French! This is also a great opportunity for the most eager ones to practise their general conversation. 

French Homework Club


We are happy to inform you that our new French Homework Club is now running every Monday after school, from 3.15pm to 4.15pm. This club is supervised by two Year 11 IB French students, Raphael & Sophie, who are willing to help any students with their French homework, as part of their Creativity Activity Service (CAS) component of their Diploma Programme. A great opportunity to get help with your French homework! Élèves de français, profitez-en!


What’s happening in our French classrooms?


Our Year 7 French language students spent the last few weeks practising their role in the play “Les trois petits cochons” . Their final performance took place last week and they all did very well, showcasing their excellent French pronunciation and acting skills! Bravo tout le monde!


Meanwhile, our Year 7 advanced students have been working on a different kind of oral presentation. They were given the task to research the life of schoolchildren in a country of their choice. They also had to research various aspects of the selected country (la géographie, le climat, l’école, etc.) and present their findings in the format of a GANAG lesson (Goal, Apply Prior Knowledge, New Information, Application, Goal Review) in French to the class. For example, we learnt that Canada is made up of more than 50,000 islands and that school students in Greece are not permitted to walk to school, and must take the bus or be driven, as footpaths are unsafe! Here is an example of one slide presenting New information about Indonesia. Bravo pour ces excellentes présentations!

Our Year 8 French language students were recently assessed on their listening and reading skills on the topics of weather and sport. They have shown they can extract key information from brochures, maps and texts and have continued to improve their ability to answer questions in French sentences!

They are now launching on the topic of school with many interesting cultural questions to be answered. What time does school start and finish in France? What are the similarities between French and Australian schools? Most importantly, what do the French eat for their school lunches? How do you say the time in French?

Year 10 French language students have done an awesome job of presenting an era of the past using the imperfect tense and key notes only for approximately 5 minutes in their Speaking CAT. They presented their work using the GANAG instructional model, often choosing to use a Kahoot as an application task. Some students made the most of interviewing their parents to source information. Here is an example of the slides the students used for their presentations.

Our Year 12 students have finished their SAC on the topic of Youth, showing they can interpret, link and reuse information from different sources. They are now working on the topic of cultural heritage, having chosen an example of a French Speaking item listed on the UNESCO page to present to the class. 

The end of the French Binational journey is in sight for our 9F students who passed their official oral examination before a jury of two French teachers on a topic of their choice. The presentations were followed by an interview in French where students were asked to critically analyse and justify their investigation. L’épreuve orale is an integral part of the Brevet des collèges diplomaThe Brevet des collèges written examinations will take place on 19th & 20th June 2023. Bonne chance à tous!