From the Acting Assistant Principal 

Senior School

Ella Price

Central Australia Trip 2023

We are excited to be gradually reintroducing our wide range of educational travel opportunities post-pandemic, the next of which will be our Central Australia trip during the upcoming September holidays. 


This opportunity, focusing on conservation and indigenous culture will be open to Year 10/11 students who have consistently demonstrated our school values through exemplary Learning Behaviour Reports and their positive contribution to our school community. 


The trip will be conducted by Global Learning Expeditions. We have worked with GLE in the past on previous and current NASA STEM trips and found them to be very professional, reliable and focused on providing a safe, engaging and enjoyable experience for students. 


Responses from our survey of parents and students indicated an even split in preferences regarding camping or hotel accommodation, with most comments suggesting either format would be great! Based on this feedback and GLE's recommendations around student safety, the hotel accommodation option has been selected. We have been able to access a grant that has reduced the cost per head, minimising the cost difference between the two proposed options as well as providing a fantastic itinerary.


There will be mini-information session for students in the library at lunchtime on Tuesday 30th May, and a parent information session at 6pm on Wednesday June 7. Please RSVP using the QR code  below. 


Any questions in the lead up to these sessions can be directed to Mrs Satilmis.


Student Attitudes to School Survey 

This week all Senior School students completed the Student Attitudes to School Survey. We value student voice at Auburn High School as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and have been conducting the survey to find out what your child thinks of your school in 2023.Students responded to statements that asked them to reflect on their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer and family relationships, resilience, bullying, mental health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.


 On behalf of Madame Delhostal and myself, we thank our students for their focus and self-regulation during the survey. We were really proud with their engagement and cannot wait to unpack this data with them all next term. Students who were absent will be provided with this opportunity in the coming weeks.


Closing up Semester 1

We have just completed a busy week of summative assessments (CATs & SACs) in the Senior School and I commend all of our students for their perseverance. Our Semester 1 mid-year examination timetable has now been released and students are in the process of attending exam briefings to support their preparation. Academic and wellbeing strategies that can be enacted over the two-week period will be shared with students and we encourage them to work with their peers during revision.  Our Wellbeing Team have also included some tips further on this newsletter. 


These examinations provide students with comprehensive evidence of their learning for this semester. Students will receive clarity about the structure and format of their exams from their classroom teachers. They are encouraged to ask questions and seek assistance if they are unsure at any point so that they can be supported in the lead up. Teachers will use unpack this data to support students in developing their academic goals for Semester 2. 


Our Year 12 students close Semester 1 with their Year 12 Formal on Thursday 8th of June and staff are excited to celebrate this occasion with our students. Well done to the Formal Committee who have been working tirelessly since last year to ensure that it is a night to remember!


Our Year 10 students will attend Swinburne University for an Experience Day on Friday 9th of June. Students will get a taste of university life whilst building a better understanding of study options and pathways available at university. We are excited to have them hear from admissions staff and Swinburne student ambassadors, as well as having the opportunity to participate in two workshops focusing on different study areas. Families are advised to check Compass events for further details. 




Taking on opportunities in our community!

Students in the Senior School have been taking on countless opportunities this term. I would like to personally thank students who volunteered at our AHS Information Night for Prospective Students. Your perspective as Senior School students supported our future families to learn about teaching and learning across our Learning Areas, and extensive extra-curricular community programs.


Our Senior School students were role models at last week’s Cross Country, competing in their age group races to represent their house communities. Embedding these whole-school events into our academic program at this busy time of the term is integral to strengthening our community connection as well as promoting a balance between our health and schooling. As we build social connections, seek emotional support, receive supports for learning, and treat each other with respect and equality, we are building a strong, connected community at AHS. 


Well done to Sophie N, Ruby R and Cayden L who came runners up at the Model United Nations Assembly. Representing Brazil, the team spoke to nine resolutions on topics such as security and the middle east, health and education, human rights, environment, and, trade and commerce. This is an incredible achievement for the weekend where they were competing with 29 other teams. 


Year 11 students Anna S, Irah H and Kim S did an amazing job of representing Auburn at an Economics debate with the support of Joseph P. competing as the only team who are not currently studying VCE economics, as well as the only team to compete in both rounds they put up a big effort against Lauriston and Fintona but fell just short of winning their rounds.