From the Deputy Principal

Megan Nertney

What a busy fortnight we have had. A big thank you to all of the families who attended the Mother’s Day breakfast on 12th May. It was wonderful to see so many happy smiling faces enjoying the warm coffee and hot chocolate on a cold morning. A big thank you to our POTS committee for organising a fantastic event. It was surprising to see so many dads helping in the kitchen so the mums could enjoy breakfast. Congratulations to the raffle winners: Tiffany Swan, Carla Gurney and Ruth Tahere. We would like to thank the many businesses who donated towards the raffle: A Home like Alice, Sugar and Spice, Red Kangaroo Books, Express Cuts Hairdressing, The Paper Shoppe and Alice Springs Camera Shop. 


Last week we had our Year 2/3 Village brave the cold and spend Tuesday and Wednesday at the Telegraph Station for camp. It was a fun experience for all involved. We learnt what it would be like in Alice Springs in 1872. We played old time games, went to the school room, cooked in the old wood fire stove, went for hikes, looked for animal tracks, did some washing, and sent messages with Morse code. A big thank you to all the staff who attended and to our many parent helpers for giving up your time to support our camp. 


Our focus for the next three weeks is Service: Lead by example. This is a skill where you must model the behaviour you want to see in others. Everything we say or do rubs off on our kids, they are always watching us. This is also true of our peers. It is very important that children are aware that the language and words they use are very powerful. I would appreciate all parents speaking with their children and reminding them that they are to use respectful language and reiterate that the tone in which we speak to others should always be polite. It is important that students report instances to staff when they occur so that we are able to deal with them. We have been pleased with how well the students have been displaying the school values of love, service, courage and endeavour at play and we want for this to continue.


Miss Megan Nertney