Environmental Team

The Chickens Have Arrived


News from the Chicken Coop

We are so excited to announce that our new chickens arrived! We are all so happy to have our new feathered friends at school. 

The future leaders gathered together and came up with some suggestions for their names, and there were definitely some interesting ones. 

Each future leader went back to their class with a shortlist and students voted on the suggested names and together with the Environment Leaders we now have 5 names that we hope you will love too.


Their names are:  Lilly, Cinnamon, Princess Lay-a, Hazel and Browny.


Once the chickens start laying we will be needing family volunteers to look after the chooks on weekends so keep an eye out for the roster. You get to keep the eggs for an extra bonus!

Egg Lotto

Now that the chickens are back Egg lotto will be returning, hopefully in a few weeks once they are settled in and laying. Watch this space for more information.


News from the Garden

Wicking beds- classes are now in the planning stages. Research is being conducted and discussions are flowing as classes work out what will grow best in their wicking beds. 


Wonder Recycling Rewards

Let's keep it going! 1 ½ boxes filled so far…

The Wonder Recycling Rewards Program is continuing for all of term 2  so keep bringing in your bread bags. The rule of thumb is that if it has contained bread of some sort and is a soft plastic, then it’s a bread bag. If it hasn’t contained bread, then it’s not a bread bag. Bread bags should be as free from crumbs as they can be to keep the recycling process free from contamination (there is no need to wash them, just give them a good shake out).

There is a box in the office area to deposit your clean bread bags. Please do not put anything else in this box other than plastic bread bags. The more bags we collect the more credits we receive to redeem free sports equipment for our school.


Thanks for your support,

The Environment Team