Religious Dimension

Welcome to Week 5

We are almost half way through our term with so much being accomplished in the area of Religious Education and Faith formation. Last week, many of our Year 4 students completed the First Sacrament of Eucharist. It was pleasing to see families together with our teachers, witnessing this very special event. 

Our students took part in a special Eucharist Retreat Day, prior to making the sacrament, to develop their understanding of the Eucahrist and in order to make it very special. One of the activities on the day included bread making which gives meaning to our students, and also involves the wider community. I would like to give a big thankyou to our teachers and parents who helped on our Eucharist Retreat and Breadmaking Day.

This Week's Gospel Matthew 28: 16-20

This weeks Gospel is an important reminder of the important message that Jesus wants us to do in our lives. "Go and make disciples of all the nations". 

These were Jesus' last words before he ascended into heaven.

I wonder how the disciples felt when they heard Jesus say this? 

I wonder if they felt ready or afraid to continue the work of Jesus?

What does it mean to be a disciple today?

How does this look for us in our family and in our world today? 

Important Dates for our Confirmation Sacramental Program 

Year 6 Confirmation Parent Information evening

Tuesday, 23 May at 7pm


Coghlan Centre
Confirmation Commitment Masses

 Saturday, 3 June, 6 pm OR 

Sunday, 4 June, 9.45am Or 11.15am

St John's Church
Confirmation Retreat DayFriday, 21 JulyChurch Hall and Coghlan Centre at St. John's Primary School
Sacrament of Confirmation

Sat, 12 August, 1.00pm 

(St John’s students and Parish Students) 

Sat, 12 August, 3.15pm (St James students) 

St John's Church

Grandparents and Special Visitors Day - 24 May

Melinda Buscema