Principal's Page

'A Welcoming Community Leading the Future of Learning with Faith and Love'

A Message from the Principal

Thank-you to the many families who came along on Saturday to help at the working bee. We were very lucky that the rain cleared and our team of volunteers ventured out to help. There was 7 cubic metres of mulch to spread across the gardens, as well as weeding, cleaning drains and lots of general cleaning up. The school is looking fantastic. I really appreciate your support. 

We are all very excited about Grandparents and Special Visitors Day this Wednesday. Parking will be available on the basketball court and across the road. Mass will commence at 9am and students will be able to sit with their special visitors. All parents are welcome to join us also. Morning Tea will be served at 10.40am.


The Scholastic book fair will Open Tomorrow in the Zebedee. Please drop in and browse the collection of books and stationery. It will be open until until Friday morning!


If any current families still need to enrol their child in Prep for 2024 please send in the completed enrolment form as soon as possible. I am beginning the Prep 2024 interviews tomorrow. It is wonderful that we have a large number of new families enrolling at St John's.


Tomorrow we welcome two new students to our school. Stella will be starting in year 1 and her sister Lola, will be starting in Year 3. We are delighted that they are joining our school community.


A very big thank-you to all of the families who have been very generous with their donations of food, meals and gift cards. Our Outreach Program is in high demand and we really appreciate your ongooing support. W


A reminder that all students should now be wearing their winter uniforms and that the skort is not part of the winter uniform. Students are encouraged to wear their tracksuit pants on their PE days. Leggings are not to be worn for sport. Thanks for supporting our uniform guidelines.

Digital Ambition Plan

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS) is preparing a Digital Ambition Plan to design outcomes and principles by which decisions will be made for new technology in Catholic schools. Parents are invited to contribute to the Digital Ambition Plan and your voice is critical to ensure that technology reflects the needs of students and school communities into the future. You are invited to complete the survey and register for an online forum to be held on Monday, 22nd May, from 7pm-8pm for parents of children in Catholic schools to share your views on the draft plan. (See the flyer on Community News Page for more details)

St John's Social Media and Website Updates

Have a look at the new videos being shared on our social media platforms and the school website. Literacy at St John's has been beautifully presented by our Literacy Leader - Ange Crowe.


Dojo Point Winners

Congratulations to the Red Team for winning the most Dojo Points in Term 1. Their reward day will be next Friday, 2 June. All Red Team members and all individual winners in each class, may wear Free Dress next Friday. 

Joke of the Week

 Why did the tomato blush?                   Because it saw the salad dressing.


Have a fantastic week and enjoy the beautiful Autumn colours that continue to brighten each day!


Verona Gridley



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