Year 10 Work Experience

Michael Harms

Year 10 Work Experience - Scarlett Hintum and Zak Wan Ullok’s report from assembly


The Year 10 work experience week was a great success. Obvious examples of this are Lucas Tiley’s apprenticeship, Ben Peace’s part-time work position, the librarian at the Hamilton Library saying to a Monivae teacher yesterday afternoon how capable Ester Biggin and Isabel Perkins are, and Zak Wan Ullok’s invitation to present his experience at South West Tafe and the LLEN at the end of this month. It is also fair to say that all Year 10’s had success, simply by spending a week in the working world. This year we had students working in the local area in trades, schools, farms, healthcare, retail, and more. We thank our local businesses for supporting the Year 10s. We had students travel as far as South Australia and some in Melbourne. It was good to share our experience with those teachers who either visited or gave our workplace a call during the week. Thank you teachers for supporting the program in this way.


For my work experience I went to Hamilton Gray Street Primary School. I was involved in classes throughout the school and interacted with all students. I mainly had to help the students that needed extra support with their work and explain some aspects differently to them. I really enjoyed my work experience and would definitely recommend it for future Year 10s.


Scarlett Hintum Year 10

Zak Wan Ullok - Year 10
Noni Blanchett - Year 10
Stella Kent - Year 10
Sebastian Rovers - Year 10
Joshua Gardner - Year 10
Zak Wan Ullok - Year 10
Noni Blanchett - Year 10
Stella Kent - Year 10
Sebastian Rovers - Year 10
Joshua Gardner - Year 10

Good morning everyone. Today I am going to talk about my experience at Field Air in Ballarat, which was my work experience venue. I will also talk about how I came to find this place and who helped me to achieve this placement.


I would like to start all the way back in 2022. It was the week where we were first introduced to work experience and I immediately wanted to go to all the big companies like Boeing and Airbus for my work experience (as I was interested in airplanes).  I emailed them, went to their query pages and phoned them, trying very hard to reach them but unfortunately, these large companies couldn’t take work experience students due to all the safety precautions and they only really take older students with a larger range of knowledge and experience. So, in a bit of a struggle I turned to  Southern Grampians LLEN. They were extremely helpful and with this extra help I was able to get a placement at Field Air in Ballarat. They even arranged accommodation for me with a Rotary home and my host family was lovely. 


My overall work experience was one I will not forget. At Field Air, I watched a large array of planes being serviced, from Air tractors to Jabirus. Air tractors are a plane that work in mainly the agricultural field of airplanes but they can also be used for firefighting and some are even in the air force such as the AT-802U and the Jabiru is a very small private plane for personal use. The experience was thrilling and I learnt a lot from it, such as how hydraulics work, how magnetos operate and so much more. All of this I learnt in a week where I had just a small basis of knowledge before. I now know so much more. I even got to start up one of the plane engines and have a go in the flight sim.


Zak Wan Ullok Year 10

Lucas Tiley - Year 10
Charlie Fitzpatrick - Year 10
Noni Blanchett - Year 10
Lucas Tiley - Year 10
Charlie Fitzpatrick - Year 10
Noni Blanchett - Year 10

Mr. Michael Harms 

Careers Coordinator