Library and Resource Centre

Maryanne Gustus

Welcome to Term 2, already I can feel that time is speeding by amongst the everyday busy- ness of School life.  When you work in a school environment, time seems to pass much more quickly than anywhere else??


Today I share some news that relates to staffing in our Monivae Library.

Our beloved Charlotte has been appointed to a new position so it is with very mixed feelings that we see her depart our Library after six wonderful years.  Charlotte is a qualified Learning Support Officer and was the successful applicant for a position at Good Shepherd Junior School here in Hamilton. The wonderful Mrs. Holly Herrmann will now add extra hours to her weekly commitment which is very good news for us.

Charlotte is an old Collegian of Monivae College.  Her time with us here in the Library saw her grow and develop within her skill set and of course personally.


Charlotte will be particularly missed by many of our “Library Regulars”, our wonderful Students who hang out in the Library every day. She always related so well with everyone, has the kindest heart and was always willing to go above and beyond. Her presence in the Library was very positive.


We wish you every success in your new position and know that you will make a difference to many lives in your new school environment.


Thank you for “EVERYTHING” dear Charlotte.

Ms. Maryanne Gustus
