Prep-2 Sector 



Wow! We can’t believe we are at the end of term 2 already.

Next term we will be learning about fairy tales in Writing, addition and subtraction in Mathematics, digraphs in Reading and Physical Science.


In Humanities we have been learning about the different places we come from and celebrations that are important to us. Each Prep grade created a Celebration Quilt.

Next term the Preps will be celebrating 100 days of school! We are looking forward to hearing about all your adventures over the holidays. That’s all from us! Have a wonderful break and we will see you back in Term 3. 







The Prep Team

Year 1

Year 1s have been busy over these last few weeks of term 2.

They have been writing poems, using alliteration, repetition and describing words.  Check out these amazing pieces of work! We are looking forward to learning how to write narratives next term.

'You can if you think you can'

The Year 1 Teachers

Year 2

This term in reading we continue to practise skills that support reading such as, visualising and asking questions when reading. Various question starters such as, “When? Why? How? and Who?” are great ways to begin a question. Students are learning to pair ‘asking questions’ with visualising to gain more knowledge and visuals of the text they are reading. This also supports the comprehension of the texts they are reading. 

In writing, we have been engaging in poem writing, exploring the various versions of poems and their structures. We wrote similes poem, where students compare their features to that of another similar object or item. 

We have also practised writing Haiku poems, acrostic poems, and shape poems. 

In maths, Year 2 have been continuing with their addition and subtraction unit. Students have been progressing well with this unit, learning different strategies to solve addition and subtraction sums. They have also been explaining and showing how they reached the answer to the addition and subtraction problems. 


In Humanities we continue learning about our local community with the grade 2’s going on their first excursion. This excursion took place in Caroline Springs, where all the grade 2 classes and teachers went for a walk along the Caroline Springs Boulevard. We saw other schools, the public Caroline Springs library, state swim, parks, police stations and the shopping centre. We then stopped outside the library for a picnic together and to rest our legs.


In addition to learning and exploring our local community, students have also been looking at new and old items in history and in our present. Students and families have brought in boxes for students to create toys using design briefs they drew up in their books.


They have then reflected on the function and challenges of designing their toy. 

In health, students have studied man-made and natural environments and what activities can be done in either environment.  In addition, they have learnt to identify what may be man-made environments and what may be natural environment. 


In science students continue with exploring materials and their functions – investigating the properties of materials and asking questions such as why this material would be a desirable choice for its use. Across the unit we have also been studying ways to keep our planet healthy through recycling, reducing the use of resources where we can (i.e.: leaving the water running when brushing our teeth, or fixing a dripping tap) and reusing items where we can, such as reusable water bottles. Students are getting exceptionally good at analysing their answers. 


Yr 2 Team