Learning and Teaching



SWAP specialist subject 

In term 1 I will be working with the Senior students. We had our first SWAP specialist last week. I introduced our Senior school production for 2021, called Global Groove. Our success criteria for the lesson was “When performing in front of an audience I can use the appropriate volume and pace and read with clarity. I can portray a character from a different time, place or culture.”


The children had some time to read through the script in small groups and choose a character to read the part of. We discussed the use of our body language and facial expressions to help convey the emotions of characters. Some of the children had an opportunity to then share in front of the whole home group. The children were very enthusiastic and excited about the new production and many of them expressed a desire to audition for a role in the coming weeks. We also explored our school value of Commitment and discussed ways we could show commitment throughout the school production in 2021, whether we have a lead role or when we are performing in our home group song. 


The children were able to articulate that we demonstrate commitment by:

  • Having a positive attitude to the Production
  • Participating in our home group song displaying a positive attitude and trying our best
  • Learning lines off by heart by practising if we have a speaking role, attending lunch time practices when needed and not giving up, even when it might be difficult.





We are also looking at the Resilience Project key concept of Gratitude this term. Gratitude is the act of being thankful and appreciating what you have in life. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have or what you want, the focus shifts to all that you have. 

The children wrote their own definition of what gratitude means to them then they had to identify what they were most grateful for on that particular day. We watched a beautiful clip that taught us that each day we live is a most precious gift, no 2 days are the same and that we need to have a lens of gratitude so that we can appreciate the little moments of joy in each day such as the beauty of watching the sun rise or watching the clouds form a shape.



Here is what some of the children had to say.


“Gratitude is being thankful for what you got. I am grateful for my parents because they do a lot for me”. Deva


“Gratitude is giving thanks for something or someone. I am grateful for school and teachers” Michaela


“Gratitude is things that people are thankful for. I am grateful for my house, school, friends, food and my parents”.  Ashton


“Gratitude is being grateful for all the things you have like your Mum and Dad and your life. I am grateful for me, my teachers and my Mum and Dad. Ashlee


After the challenging week we have had, what a timely reminder to try and practice gratitude daily and focus on what we have instead of what we are missing out on at the moment. 


Rachel Lenko 

Student Wellbeing Leader