Myrniong - ELC to Yr6

Upcoming Dates

*Tuesday 16th March and Wednesday 17th March - Prep to Year Six Learning Progress Meetings 3.30 pm to 5.30 pm

*Thursday 18th March - Young House Service at the Senior Campus - 10.00 am (parents welcome to attend)

*Saturday 20th March - Scholarship Testing at the Senior Campus

*Monday 22nd March - Year Three Class Assembly 12.20 pm 

*Wednesday 24th March - Paper 1 of Maths Games/Maths Olympiad competition

*Wednesday 31st March - College Easter Service - 2.30 pm (streamed live)

*Thursday 1st April - Final day of Term 1- 2.15 pm finish.

Healthy Relationships and Respect Starts at the Junior School

In light of events in and around Canberra, the last few weeks have been a challenging time for the Australian community. We believe healthy relationships and respect are an important part of the fabric of the Junior School. Respect is firmly embedded as one of our core College values. An important aspect of our Personal Development focus in Year Five and Year Six classes is the ‘Changes Ahead’ program. This program helps students commence their transition from Junior School to secondary education. As young people attempt to navigate contextual change, they also negotiate the personal changes associated with puberty.  The units of work they participate in endeavour to prepare students to be healthy and productive young people with skills and readiness to cope with changes and peer relationships. The essential learnings include;

*Physical, social, emotional and cognitive health

*Personal, cultural and environmental factors influence behaviours and choices

*Individual and group action can promote health and wellbeing, including safety

*Representations of people, including stereotypes, influence the beliefs and attitudes that people develop about themselves and others

*Positive interpersonal relationships and respecting gender and cultural protocols promote effective interactions and relationships in groups. 

Chamber Singers

Our Junior School Chamber Singers, comprising students in Years 3 to 6 have commenced their 2021 musical journey with Mrs. Christie and Mrs. Bell. This select group of talented singers rehearse each Monday. Their first public performance for the year will be the College Easter Service on Wednesday 31st March. This event will be held in the Simons Auditorium and will be live streamed for College parents. The Chamber Singers will be performing ‘Sit Down!’, a piece in the spiritual style. 

Bebras Challenge

Our first ‘Bebras Challenge’ for 2021 will take place from March 15th through to March 24th. Bebras is an international initiative aiming to promote informatics and computational thinking among students in Years 3 to 6. They will compete the online challenge as individuals or in small groups. 2.9 million students from 60 countries take part in this competition. We will announce results and present certificates in a Term Two Assembly. Many thanks to Miss Brabham for her work in organising and coordinating this event.

The Compass Award Program

The Compass Award is a program of discovery for young Victorians aged 10 – 13 years. The program enhances young people’s personal development, fosters positive attitudes towards learning and promotes engagement and interaction with their community. Interested? Want to hear more … go to the following link Compass Award

Students in Years Five and Six who would like to go on their own journey of discovery and take part in the Compass Award Program, please return the relevant form to Mrs Povey by Monday 15th March. If you do not have a form, please see Mrs Kelly this week. The next Compass meeting will be scheduled for later this term, but if you have any questions, please see Mrs Kelly.

A Great Start to the Leadership Journey

Our Junior School Captains and Vice Captains - Chloe Laidlaw, Rupert Merrin, Amelia Bradbeer and Jack Wallis have really hit the ground running and started their 2021 leadership journey in a positive and engaging fashion.  All four have been very confident when presenting at our weekly Assemblies, and have some ideas and initiatives of their own to embed into these whole school gatherings. Well done Chloe, Rupert, Amelia and Jack! You have been excellent role models and I look forward to watching your progress over the course of this year.


Stephen Nelson

Head of Junior School