Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning
You must do the thing you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt
The first term of a school year is always incredibly busy. The focus is on transition and setting up good routines of learning, as well as connecting with new student and teachers in our College community. So far this term, we have had our College Swimming and Athletics Carnival, as well as sending our school teams to the next level of competitions. Summer Sport has resumed, students working with External Providers have been allowed back on site and we have had a snap five-day State lockdown with Remote Learning 3.0.
And yet each day, our students show up, bringing their best selves to the classroom.
As Week 7 draws to a close, I want to encourage students and parents to acknowledge the busyness of the term so far, but also the pressure that comes with a period of assessments and feedback that we now find ourselves in. Teachers are checking for understanding and assessing students now, offering feedback and strategies to improve learning outcomes for each child.
For some students, there will be a creeping sense of overwhelm as the homework mounts and assessment tasks and projects are added to the to do list. At The Hamilton and Alexandra College we have a team of staff (teachers, mentors, Heads of House, Heads of Middle and Senior Years) that support the learning and wellbeing of each child. We are proud to say that we know our students and we know that we can help each on do the very thing they think they cannot do. Eleanor Roosevelt, the wife of the 32nd President of the United Sates was right when she said we must face the challenges that come our way, because in doing so we learn, we grow, and we become better versions of ourselves.
If you believe your child needs more guidance and encouragement to finish the final four weeks of term, then do not hesitate to reach out to your child’s mentor.
Important Dates for the Diary
NAPLAN Coordinated Practice Test for all Year 3,5,7 and 9 on Thursday 25th March. This is an opportunity for the College to test the Technology required to complete the NAPLAN test online, as well as for students to have some experience of the testing platform and style of tasks. Students will be required to bring a fully charged laptop to the test, as well as headphone.
More information will be published in the Newsletter next week.
Week 9 Student Reports Published on PAM Thursday 25th March & Student Parent Teacher Interview Bookings Open
Week 10 Student Parent Teacher Interviews Online on Wednesday 31st March.
Mrs Susan Bradbeer
Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning