Acting Principal's Update

This is my first newsletter update to the school community. For those that didn't see my Compass newsfeed post, for the past eleven years I have been a teacher and member of the principal team at Melbourne Girls' College (MGC) and prior to that, I spent four years at Lilydale High School. During Terms 2-4 last year, I was the Acting Principal at MGC, guiding the school community through the challenges of lockdowns and remote learning.
In my first address to Coburg High School students, I reflected on the past twelve months and thanked them for the contribution that that they have made towards keeping other people, particularly our elderly and those with chronic health conditions, safe and healthy. Although there continues to be uncertainty around COVID, we do know that we wouldn't be in our current situation with relatively fewer deaths and illness compared to many other countries, without the sacrifices of our younger people.
I also reflected on the fantastic way in which Coburg High School has embraced School Wide Positive Behaviours, with students being recognised for their efforts around the school values of Excellence, Integrity, Curiosity and Community through regular green Compass Chronicle entries. I think this is something that many other schools can learn from.
In the three or so weeks that I have been here at Coburg High, I've found the students, staff and families to be very welcoming. I've enjoyed my interactions with students, particularly on yard duty and in extras where I have replaced students' usual teacher. It's really pleasing to hear the pride with which students speak about Coburg High and the opportunities that the school provides for them. Last Wednesday I had the pleasure of working with our new Student Voice Leaders in Years 7 to 11 on their ideas on how to improve the student experience. When asked to nominate the number one thing that they liked about their school, more than one group used the word 'community'. I look forward to continuing to engage with these student leaders throughout 2021.
Over my short time here I've also tried to meet with as many different staff members as possible. The key messages from that I've heard from staff are that they too really value being part of the Coburg High community, which includes a supportive, collaborative and open-minded group of teachers and education support staff. I would also like to pay tribute to Stewart, Gary and Belinda, who have played such an important role in getting the school to the fantastic position that it is in today.
If I haven't met you yet, I look forward to doing so soon!
School Council Ballot Results & Call for Nominations for Council sub-committees
Congratulations to Cate Hall, Sebastian Thomas and Kulja Coulston who were the three elected parents from the recent School Council ballot. A sincere thanks to the six candidates that stood for election and also to those parents that voted. On behalf of School Council, I would also like to thank Karin Allen for her contribution and expertise over the past two years and to our School Captain Paramitra for her involvement and perspectives as well.
I would also like to congratulate our student representatives Tabby Burns and Zoe Beaumont for their election to Council as well as Elle Drake who represents staff.
The new Council will meet in the first week of Term 2. I would like to call for nominations from interested parents, students and staff for for our Council sub-committees:
- Finance
- Uniform
- Risk Management
- Facilities and sustainability
- Policy
- Cycling & Active Transport
- Communications and Engagement
To express interest, please email me ( before 4pm on Wednesday 21st April. I look forward to hearing from you!
Coburg Basketball Academy
The students involved in our Basketball Academy have been making fantastic progress during this, their first term in the program. See below for our junior students showing off their new uniforms.
Athletics Carnival
I very much enjoyed the Athletics Carnival at Coburg Athletics Track held in beautiful weather yesterday. The photo above shows Jonah D about to throw the javelin more than 28 metres to win the Boys Under 14 competition. Well done Jonah and to all the students that participated, wore their house colours and cheered on their classmates yesterday. See later in the newsletter for more photos.
IT News
This week we welcome a new member to our IT Team, Toby. Toby will be working with Robbie and Ramsey on Mondays to provide IT support to staff and students. Welcome!
Dropping off and picking up students in the school / Grassland Avenue
Making sure that our students get to and from school safely is, of course, of paramount importance. The vast majority of parents are using the entrance roundabout appropriately to drop off and pick up their child. The main staff car park is strictly out of bounds, except for students with disabilities or injuries who have a special exemption or for families who have an appointment at the school. This is to ensure that students that are entering and exiting the school grounds on foot, on bike or on their scooters, can do so safely.
I also know that many families are using Grassland Avenue and surrounding streets as another drop off and pick up site. Coburg High School expects everyone to abide by traffic safety laws and this includes:
- observing speed limits;
- no double parking;
- no blocking of resident driveways; and
- only parking where it is safe to do so.
Moreland Council, as the responsible authority for this area, routinely undertake enforcement action against drivers who are breaching these laws.
It is great that so many of our students and staff actively walk, cycle or scoot to and from school, and by following these rules and expectations, we can ensure that everyone can do so safely.
Brent Houghton
Acting Principal 2021