Secondary Awards 

Head Teacher Awards 

Andrew Connors - For demonstrating an improved level of maturity

Brook Grills - For outstanding engagement and productivity in Big Picture 

Claire Flynn - Continuous leadership and commitment in Drama 

Jada Alefosio - Consistent participation and commitment in Drama 

Jake Tibbs - Effort and achievement in Music 

Nioka Levy - For being awarded an Elsa Dixon SBAT in Education Support 

Riley Campbell - Effort and application in Science

Ryan Williams - Effort and application in Science

Shahkita Pixton - - Effort and application in Maths

Shakira Beechey - Effort and achievement in Indonesian 

Stephanie Spradbrow - Effort and application in Maths

                                           - Improved effort in Extension Maths

Toby Handebo - Excellent participation and commitment in Big Picture 

Treigh Bonser-Karhu - Continued focus and dedication in History 

Kindness Awards

Toby Handebo - for being a good friend

Patrick Wadley - Helping me without being asked

Alex Loeb - Opening the door for a staff member

Ashley Donnelly - Helping me in Maths, thank you.