From the Principal 

Photo: Year 7 (2022) Transition Day

Communicating with clarity

Today was a whirlwind of activity with our 2022 Year 7 cohort on campus and enjoying the sunshine. I'm happy to report that according to one new Preshil student, our school is "Amazing". Clear, concise and affirming. Not much to misinterpret there.


The relationships that we began building today are integral to everything we do at Preshil. But we are a learning community, and our parents are members with us in this community. At secondary school we may see less of each other, but I hope that communication is always open and welcomed.


One of the most important ways that our school communicates with our parents is through the Semester Reports. These are snapshots of your child's learning, their growth, and their approach to the learning journey.


We are committed to the MYP, and the assessment against criteria that are clear to the child at the commencement of the task, and referred to when the task is competed. Previously, we reported to parents using these criteria, but it was not always apparent how your child was placed within the criteria hierarchy. 


This semester the reports will correct this, and for each subject, with each criteria, your child's placement will given. We are extending on the way in which reporting is done at Arlington, and using the following shared terms:

  • Emerging
  • Consolidating
  • Extending
  • Transferring

Furthermore, an overall placement will be given for each subject as a whole. This will be described by a 7 point scale, one which students will encounter when they transition to the IB Diploma Programme. 


We hope that the increased clarity of our Semester Reports, for the MYP,  serves to build on the relationship and communication between home and school, and that in reading the report you are confident to understand your child's learning, and their growth.


An introduction page will be included in all MYP reports which explains the placement language we use. This page will also remind us of the IB Mission Statement and our school's Vision, a statement of purpose, of the importance of social relationships - of which our parents are such an essential part.










Cressida Batterham-Wilson

 Interim Principal