The Leader In Me


Student Leadership Coordinator – Junior School



With another year completed, we reflect on the achievements and challenges we have faced. Our students have, yet again, demonstrated The 7 Habits on a daily basis, setting themselves goals and preparing themselves to transition into the next year level.

Our students have demonstrated the utmost resilience, organisation and adaptability to the 2021 school year. They have travelled the highs and lows, the uncertainty, the disappointments and the successes. Among all of this, our students have shown care and kindness not only to others but to themselves. They have realised the importance of Habit 7: Sharpening the Saw; maintaining the balance and taking the time to relax, do something you enjoy and rest. Heading into the New Year will see us applying Habit 1: Be Proactive and Habit 3: Putting First Things First, as we prepare for new classes.

Our Student Leaders have worked hard to create change and look out for the student cohort in which they lead. Their Healthy Harold Heroes Campaign has wrapped up, although the initiative and ideas will continue on as their legacy.  Our Leaders were excited and proud to be Ambassadors of their wonderful and poignant campaign.

I would like to congratulate our 2021 School Leaders on their dedication, resilience and ability to lead, even during Remote Learning. Your commitment to your role and enthusiasm to make change is admired. As they wrap up their initiatives and achievements, they get ready to pass the baton to our new 2022 Leadership Team.

I wish everyone a safe and healthy Merry Christmas and holiday break.