Middle School


Head of Middle School





The end of the 2021 school year arrived amid a flurry of excursions and transition classes. Students were able to enjoy their last few days together as they participated in activities arranged off-site and on campus. It has been a pleasure to work with each and every student of the Middle School this year. They have undergone so much growth in both height and as humans. This year, in particular Term 3,  afforded them the opportunity to learn so much about themselves and what they are capable of. We are very proud of all their efforts and determination to continue regardless of what was placed in their way. We have very much enjoyed our last few weeks of the term, following their return to on-campus learning. In our last assembly, I mentioned that despite what they would have originally thought, they have all found a new appreciation for their teachers and their role in the classroom.

Congratulations to the students in the Middle School who received awards at the Middle School Awards Assemblies last week. It was wonderful to have the opportunity to recognise and acknowledge all recipients for their hard work and strong efforts to achieve excellent standards.

Congratulations also to our new student leaders In the Middle school for 2022. It is my absolute pleasure to announce the Middle School Captains for 2022 are Michaela Millar and Leonardo Hu. The calibre of the nominees this year was outstanding and made the final decision very hard indeed.

I look forward to continuing to work with the families and students of the Middle School in 2022. Stay safe and enjoy each other’s company. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. see you in 2022.



Year 8 and 9 Coordinator 





The last few weeks of the term flew past and during this time, our students had a blast. From Boulder Lab and St Kilda Beach in Year 8 to the City Urban Quest Amazing Race in Year 9, our Middle School students had the chance to enjoy some much-needed experiential learning opportunities. The activities on each day combined elements of different subject areas as well, with our Year 8 students in St Kilda enjoying a tour of the galaxy when traversing the Solar System Trail and testing their physical strength when traversing the rock walls while bouldering. Below are just some of the photos from the 8s and 9s experiences.


With the end of the year here, I’d like to take this time to thank the wonderful staff and students here at Oakleigh Grammar. Their continued perseverance shone through this year, and they continued to raise the bar, despite the circumstances, which came their way. I wish them, and you, all a restful and blessed holiday season and a Happy New Year.  




Year 6 and 7 Coordinator






It has been an incredible year filled with many challenges which became opportunities to grow.

I am deeply honoured and privileged to have worked with Years 6 and 7 this year. Together with the students, pastoral staff, teachers and you; we made a formidable team.

The last weeks of this term provided students and teachers with the opportunity to make up for the lost time.

Students had a myriad of experiences this last week, which consolidated friendships, created learning opportunities and challenged mindsets. From the Year 6 Retreat Day at Jells Park to Year 7 Bouldering, the Year 6 journey to the Melbourne Museum and Year 7’s day out at Healesville, it was simply amazing. We had the opportunity to give thanks in Church and to acknowledge student achievement at our Awards Presentations. The last two periods of Friday saw a healthy competition with our Mini Olympics.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Blessed Feast of Christmas and a wholesome and healthy start to 2022.