Senior School


Head of Senior School






As the 2021 school year comes to an end, I take this opportunity to say thank you to the families of the Senior School.  Thank you for your support and trust in us to provide your child with opportunities to continue to learn and experience personal growth in what has been, at times, a challenging year. Students have shown outstanding resilience and determination to achieve and have learnt so much about themselves and what they are capable of this year. We are very proud of who they have become.

A number of students in Year 10 and 11 in 2021 were recognised and acknowledged on Thursday, December 2 at the Year 10 and 11 Awards Assembly.  Congratulations to all recipients for their hard work and strong efforts to achieve excellent standards. Congratulations also to our new student leaders for 2022. It is my absolute pleasure to announce the School Captains for 2022 are Toni Stathopoulos and Chris Tsiagalos. They will be supported by Vice Captains, Stavroula Kourkoutzelos and Jack Oliver. Stay safe and enjoy the company of those you love. Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.




Year 12 Coordinator






Year 12

Just a short message from me as we close out the year, I’m sure everyone is eagerly awaiting the holidays, and we all certainly deserve a well-earned break this year!  

The warm weather is here and many of the restrictions have eased, and I know some of our families will be planning to head off interstate, or even overseas now that borders have opened up somewhat. To those of you who are travelling these holidays, I wish you safe travels and hope your navigation of the quite complicated bureaucracy of testing and isolating goes well. To those staying closer to home, I wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas. And finally, to our newly minted Year 12s, don’t forget that you can have a break and still get some study done - if you don’t leave it all to the last minute. Enjoy the break and stay safe, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. See you in 2022!




Year 10 & 11 Coordinator





Years 10 and 11

As we conclude another busy term, it was rewarding to be able to take students to the Royal Botanic Gardens to complete a scavenger hunt. Below are some student reflections on the term that has been. 



Term 4 reflections:

After a challenging school year spent mostly at home, commencing Term 4 back on campus has positively impacted me, as well as our Year 10 cohort. We have been able to reconnect as a whole throughout our last weeks, and being able to share some last laughs and good times for the year has been something we have all been waiting for. We will be moving forward into the next year with an open mind and excitement for another great year to come.


Elena Georgiades - Year 10


To say that this year was challenging is truly an understatement. All the days being at home, locked up doing remote learning, has definitely taught me, and many of my peers, that we should not take the little things for granted. Returning to school in Term 4 was exciting but also very overwhelming, as everyone had to readapt to the atmosphere. Everyone has grown, not only academically, but also individually, and I look forward to going into the next year with my cohort, as we have grown closer, reuniting this term!


Anthony Kontos - Year 10


This term was a great ending for a year filled with challenges in remote learning. Term 4 enabled me to once again experience the wonderful face to face learning experience, strengthen my organisation and resilience skills in both a personal and academic domain, and overall begin my preparation for the most significant and challenging time for myself and other students: Year 12. I am grateful for a rewarding Year 11, and I can only hope that Year 12 will be just as great!


Maria Andreou - Year 11


Overall I think Term 4 was more normal and enjoyable than the other terms because of the lessened restrictions. Many of us were able to get back on track with work and acclimate to school being back on campus.


George Pezos - Year 11


Thank you to the Year 10 and 11 Pastoral teams for all their hard work this year and the care they have given to our students. To parents and caregivers, enjoy your break; I know we are all in need of one as are the students. 

Have a safe and Merry Christmas and an enjoyable New Year.