Deputy Principals


Deputy Principal -

Teaching & Learning




I can. We will.

What fine four words to sum up a year of unexpected lows and highs in our teaching and learning programs at Oakleigh Grammar! When we felt battered by the continued lockdowns, forced to stay home, and fundamentally changed our way of living, our students took to their computers, laptops, iPads or phones and stood up for themselves by taking part in remote learning. They said to the world; “I can do this, I can weather the storm and keep moving forward”. For so many of our young people, it has been a time of testing, seeing if they can continue on the road of quality education, even when it is a struggle. Some powered ahead as if the brakes had been taken off; others struggled to find a way to move into first gear. Either way, what all our students have had this year is the wonderful support and love of their families, friends and teachers. It is in this, when we have pulled together, side-by-side, knowing that it is not just me in this ‘wild ride’ but us, together, supporting one another, giving encouragement and strength when we needed it. This has been our “We will.”


It is with the support of others that our students have done so remarkably with their academic achievements and growth this year. Parents, friends, families and teachers have all come together to build up and support every single student in this wonderful school. We thank every student for their goodwill, patience and willingness to come in and out of remote learning. We thank the parents and families who have done it tough, often feeling like home school educators whilst having to work and balance so many things. We thank our wonderful teachers for their dedication, hard work and patience as they have learnt how to teach in different ways and deal with new difficulties never before experienced. With all that has happened, our community has pulled together, kept focused and shown that we at Oakleigh Grammar know the true worth of learning for both the mind and the heart.



Deputy Principal - Operations




As we conclude the year, it is hard not to think of the challenges that we have all experienced. In many ways, it is difficult to fathom what many of our staff, students and families have had to endure and particularly the unfamiliar.


However, it is important to remember the positives. For me, it is our students that have shone. Through the challenges of multiple remote learning experiences, or periods of isolation due to COVID, our students have consistently maintained an optimistic and encouraging attitude. When asked to record, in a recent pulse wellbeing survey, one thing that they were grateful for there was an overwhelming acknowledgement to their families, friends, teachers and school. I appreciate and give thanks to the students for their energy, resilience and enthusiasm.


I am also grateful to work in a School where I have so many supportive colleagues who relentlessly focus on their students whilst keeping an eye on those for whom they work. I believe we can all be proud of the manner in which they too dealt with the year and were able to maintain the highest levels of assistance to their students, both onsite and during remote learning. 

In conversations with people in other schools, I believe that Oakleigh Grammar absolutely led the way.  


End of Year

Over the past week or so it has been wonderful to share in a number of end of year activities that have been full of good spirit and that have recognised some outstanding student achievements. These included the Year 5 Graduation, the respective Awards ceremonies and being able to be back in the Church. 


Across the Middle School and Senior School students have also been involved in a range of transition activities both formal and fun. It was wonderful for them to also be able to leave campus and enjoy experiences with their friends and teachers. Thoughts of Christmas have once again been at the forefront of our Junior School students. 


Towards 2022

As we turn our attention to 2022, I highlight for families the following key dates:


Monday, 31 January Year 12 Commence

Tuesday, 1 February Years 1 - 11 Commence

Wednesday, 2 February Prep Commence 


I wish everyone the full joys of Christmas and I hope you all find time to share in some memorable moments with family and friends over the next few weeks.