Principal's News







As we come to the close of the 2021 School Year, I thought it would be appropriate to start this final edition of the Grammar News with a Christmas Blessing.


May love come alive within your heart

As Christmas time draws near

May hope fill each room you decorate

And bring joy to those you hold dear

May peace be before you at every meal

And faith ring through every song

For Christ is alive, the light of the world

May He bless you all season long


Understanding ourselves and truly knowing others is where we find authentic fulfilment and I am optimistic that this mindset, especially given the past two years, is becoming a cornerstone of our Oakleigh Grammar School community. Reflective of our brand new building, the Centre for Academic Excellence which will be completed next year, is the following notion:


‘Student achievement and the pursuit of academic excellence is growing in importance to all of us at Oakleigh Grammar – but it is not why we exist. 

Our School exists to develop and inspire young people to find and follow their chosen pathway in life; to be connected with family and the broader community; to fuel our students’ passions and to hear our students’ voices; to fulfil the vision of the forefathers for our students to live by the Orthodox Christian faith and to be proud of their heritage, including language and culture.’


This is the essence of what our students have been doing and aspiring to during the course of this year and indeed the past eighteen months, where I have noted a connectedness with their peers and staff as strong as it has ever been. 

The vulnerability that we have all experienced from time to time during the pandemic will undoubtedly be our students’ strength in 2022 and beyond. Throughout this period we have noted remarkable courage, kindness, compassion and care which speaks volumes about the innate ability of our School to foster a true sense of purpose.  


Our School Theme “I Can. We Will.” was not only appropriate for this year but it led the drive and will to succeed and allowed us to face the challenges head-on. I thank our students, staff, families, alumni and the Board of Management for your enduring support and understanding this year.  


Staff News

It is a time where we farewell members of staff who have enriched our School and we wish them well for the future.


Mrs Lucy Walker, Learning Assistant; Ms Kelly Payne, PA to the Deputy Principals / Admissions; Ms Rhemmy Gibbs, Sports Trainee; Mr Joshua Ellenberg, Media Teacher; Ms Judy Martin, EAL Teacher; Ms Jenny Sare, Junior School Teacher; Mrs Toula Bletas, Administration Assistant; and Ms Vin Bua, English Teacher who is retiring.


Congratulations is extended to Mrs Katherine Bogiannidou and her husband Phillip on the safe arrival of their son baby Alexander.  


Congratulations is extended to Mr Nick Karakottas on his Position of Responsibility appointment as Academic and Learning Leader of the Arts commencing next year.  


I wish to advise that Ms Sarah Boardman’s title will change from Early Learning Centre Coordinator to Early Learning Centre Manager commencing next year.  


I wish all families a Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year and look forward to greeting our students at the commencement of the 2022 School year.


Stay Safe

Stay Well

God Bless