Mooroopna Campus

Introducing House Leaders
I lead Red House at the Mooroopna Campus. I currently teach Science, Maths and Humanities. The electives I’m teaching this semester are Positive Performance Psychology and My 2040: Saving The Planet. I am also teaching Year 8 Maths and Year 10 Science. Kylie Hoskin
I’m William Lees, Purple House leader at Mooroopna. I’m currently teaching Instrumental Music, Beat Producer, eSports and Humanities. I teach mostly Year 9’s with a few Year 10’s mixed in.
My name is Jim Sheehan, and I am Forest Green’s house leader at our Mooroopna campus. I’ve been a teacher for five years and have taught Mathematics, Outdoor Education and VET Sport and Recreation. Back in high school, I used to play la-crosse and rugby union and remember struggling to run the cross-country. These days I’m the other side of 40 and compete in a couple of random sports – Jiu Jitsu and offshore yacht racing, but you’ll still find me slogging my way around the cross-country track!
My name is Dave Sidebottom, I lead Yellow house and my office is in Neighbourhood 3 at the Mooroopna campus. I teach Maths to Year 8 & 9, I follow the Sydney Swans in the AFL and play golf at Mooroopna (not as much as I’d like recently, though).
Sam Owen – Royal Blue House Leader (9M & 9N – Mooroopna Campus) I am a Maths & Physical Education teacher, currently teaching only year 9 students at the Mooroopna Campus. I am really enjoying getting back into PE classes after a while teaching Maths. I am teaching year 9 Health & PE as well as several Basketball elective classes.
Guilia has been teaching Art, Technology & Personal Learning at Shepparton High School until her transfer to the McGuire Campus this year.
Devon Hellyer has been a teacher of Maths at Shepparton High School. He now teaches Year 9 Maths at Mooroopna, and is also the Orange House Leader.
Cathy Falk teaches Humanities and is the Navy House Leader.
My name is Georgia Campbell, and I’m the Lime house leader here at the Mooroopna Campus. I teach core Humanities for year 9 and 10, as well as the On Country and Law Makers and Breakers electives.