Multicultural Forum

Multicultural Forum at Mooroopna
A new and exciting mix of cultures is one of the results of the merger of our four state secondary schools. At Mooroopna we have 27 different cultures represented in our student body and we are finding ways to embrace, educate and celebrate these.
As part of student education relating to multicultural inclusion, Year 10 McGuire student, Ananiya Kibare, hosted a forum at the Mooroopna Campus. This was attended by members of the LEAD (Leadership Exploration and Development) class, along with invited students representing some other cultures and religions.
In February, Ananiya attended the “Student Leaders for Multicultural Inclusion Day” at the Department of Education in Melbourne. Here he learnt about the effect of judgement on different cultures in our everyday society and was then tasked with holding his own forum at school to gather information on how our own students believe multicultural inclusion can be better represented at GSSC.
Ananiya modelled great leadership skills and engaged the Mooroopna audience with activities to build friendships. He provided opportunities for students to ask questions of each other and in so doing, learn more about different cultures, their traditions and religious practices. This simple opportunity broke down misunderstandings, misconceptions and opened the eyes of participants.
A powerful video clip titled, ‘To Speak Up For Inclusion, We Need To Speak About Inclusion’ cemented messages Ananiya delivered. It’s worth watching.
Ananiya will now revisit the Department later this month to show his findings and express what the students of Greater Shepparton Secondary College had to say.
Daisy Utber
Assistant Principal
Mooroopna Campus