Old School Uniforms

Take pART Project
Take pART is an arts-based initiative supporting mental health and resilience in young people at the Greater Shepparton Secondary College. This project will focus on Year 7's as they transition from primary to secondary school.
The project is facilitated by Lighthouse during Wednesday and Friday lunchtimes where students can engage in a range of art base activities, designed to encourage collaboration and shared enjoyment as they interact with their peers and learn strategies to care for and manage their mental health.
The type of activities include fun fitness, cooking classes, tattoo art, candle and soap making and paper craft. We are also working with artist Kristen Retallick to create a large art installation; screen printing leaves on old school uniforms. If you have old McGuire, Wanganui, Shepp High or Mooroopna SC uniforms we’d love them.
VCAL Project
Please note that VCAL have decided not to pursue their project.