Careers & Partnerships

Dates for your Diary
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GSSC Careers Team
Partnerships Update
Developing partnerships with local business and community has been progressing since the commencement of the school year. Meetings with various industry have been taking place including:
- Committee4Greater Shepparton
- Master Builders Association
- Chamber of Commerce
- Spiire
- Greater Shepparton City Council- learning and development team/ Active living Kidstown team
- ATEL – School based traineeships
- Shepparton Arts Festival
- Word and Mouth
- Lighthouse project
- University of Melbourne Dookie Campus
- Latrobe University
Behind the scenes matching industry to our curriculum, finding members to assist in the classroom and tours to explore the world of work are well underway. We look forward to sharing these experiences of work with our school community in the near future
My Career Insights – A Great Year 9 Opportunity
As part of our College’s Career Pathways program, all Year 9 students are participating in a two-part personal career discovery program called My Career Insights.
My Career Insights is designed to help students discover, develop and drive their career planning. It is a unique opportunity for them to learn more about their strengths and abilities, while exploring potential career options. This will give them the confidence to start taking control of their future.
Part 1: Discover - Students begin with the Morrisby profiling tool. The online discovery tool is a quiz designed to help students learn more about themselves, their values, preferences and skills that will give them a better understanding of where their strengths lie. These personal insights help open up a variety of possible career pathways, specifically tailored to who they are. This will commence shortly. It is very important that Parents have completed their approval forms and returned these to the Mooroopna campus main office.
Part 2: Develop - My Career Insights gives students an opportunity to talk one-on-one with an independent career counsellor about any initial ideas and thoughts. This discussion will help them to set realistic goals, and commence decision making to continue their career journey.
Meetings will commence on Thursday 17th April 2020 and continue through Term 2. This meeting will be scheduled for 30mins. Meetings will be conducted between 9.00am and 4.00pm. Students will be notified of their date and time.
All activities related to this program will be conducted at the Mooroopna Campus.
Industry & Enterprise Work Placements
Our Year 10 students across the college will all be completing a fast-tracked VCE subject called Industry & Enterprise. The course is designed to help clarify career interests and gain a better understanding of work and employability skills. As part of the course students will be required to complete a work placement. A number of students across the 3 campuses are participating in placements that they have already arranged between March 16 and 20. The Wanganui campus has identified 2 weeks across the year when the majority of placements will happen (the 2nd last week of terms 1 and 3). McGuire campus students currently completing I & E should aim to have their preferred placements in the 6th week of term 2. Mooroopna students will be guided by their Career Practitioner Ruth O’Bree who happens also to be teaching these I & E classes.
CI Card Training
The Construction Induction card is the base level qualification needed by students wanting work placement in construction trades (e.g. plumbing, electrical, building). Many Yr 10’s and 11’s (possibly Yr 12’s) will be wanting to do placements with these trades, unless you’ve done this training you won’t be able to. So GSSC is running a CI Card training day at the Wanganui campus for any interested students. We have filled one group, this will run on Tuesday 10th March at the Wanganui campus. We plan to offer a further days training in the last week of term, possibly Thurs 26th. Interested should still submit enrolment forms to their Campus Careers Practitioner and pay the $100 to their campus office.
GV Health Rural Careers Day – Years 10, 11 & 12’s
On Thursday 28th May, students who believe they are interested in rural health careers will get the opportunity to explore a wide range of careers at the annual GV Health Careers day. It’s a ‘hands on’ event to give new experiences and information to students across all kinds of Health areas including: mental health, nursing, aged care, dentistry & oral health, midwifery, paramedicine, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and dietetics. Limited spaces are available, these will be restricted to Year 10, 11 & 12 students across all campuses who submit completed applications (with their preferred workshop preferences) and permission forms. These are available from the Campus Careers Practitioners in person (see who they are at the bottom of this newsletter page) or via the students Compass feed. Due to the limited number of places will have to be filled on a ‘first come first served’ basis.
GV Health Work Placements
Students and parents are reminded that the only way to access placements at GV Health this year is by applying through the school. Placements are available not just in Nursing and Allied Health but in other areas like Administration, Engineering and Maintenance as well as services like Catering. To apply for these particular spots students will have you needed to submit their application to their Campus Careers Practitioner.
Busy At Work Scholarship Program
What is the Commonwealth Scholarships Program for Young Australians?
The aim of the program is to support Young Australians to gain critical employability skills, which are embedded in Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications, enabling them to enter and stay in the workforce.
Who are we helping?
Under the Australian Government’s $585 million Skills Package, Delivering Skills for Today and Tomorrow, around 400 young Australians will be supported to participate in VET courses through the introduction of the Commonwealth Scholarships Program for Young Australians. The participation in VET training will lead into occupations in identified areas of growth and skills needs, listed as in demand through consultation with regional representatives.
Which occupations are being targeted?
Who are the scholarships for?
Young people aged 15-24 can apply for the scholarship program to undertake an eligible VET approved Program of Study. Priority will be given to applicants in the following cohorts:
- Individuals who have exited from the Australian Defence Force in the previous 2 years (age criteria not applicable to ADF applicants);
- Indigenous young Australians;
- young Australians with a disability; and
- young Australians from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
Applicants who are eligible can apply for the scholarship to undertake an approved course of study at Certificate III to Advanced Diploma levels. Courses can be